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Hinata smiled at a child as he waved at her as he ran with his friends. Any ninja missions were very few at the moment so her work was mostly at the Academy being a substitute teacher or just a second aid to Iruka Sensei.

Her last mission was last month and she was gone for 3 weeks since then she hasn't been called for any more missions.

She sat down in the chair as the last child left the classroom and started to grade some papers. If she went home now it would only be to talk about possible marriages.

That's the last thing she wanted to hear about at the moment. Tomorrow was her day off so tomorrow they can have all day to try and convince Hinata of a possible Suiter.

Hinata felt like her only escape was when she was away from her home. So she always stayed away as much as she was able to.


Many were surprised that The Hyuga head was being so lenient with Hinata on that subject. She was able to choose her own suiter. Not that the Hyuga council was happy about that matter especially Hinatas Grandmother. That believes in only traditional ways, her marriage was arranged along with both her sons marriages she just saw it fit that her granddaughters marriage be the same.

But Hiashi Hyuga thought different it were different times and his eldest daughter after being replaced as the Heiress by her younger sister, for not being strong enough, didn't once fight the decision and Hinata gave the tittle up easily.

Hiashi thought the least he could do was give his eldest daughter the choice of whom she would like to marry at least. But even he felt irritated with how much they were pushing for an alliance with other clans with of course Hinata as collateral.

Hinata was strong, Hiashi knew she was with how much she trains even in this time of some what peace. Besides he's trained with her himself and he's had to make much more effort then he used to the last time they trained and every time training got more intense.

But Hinata was Hinata and without meaning to she still holds back not wanting to hurt her father.

Hiashi drank his tea and listened to the conversations around the table as they all talked. His council, his seniors, he has to be respectful but the fact of the matter was that they wanted to sell Hinata at this moment.

"But if she marries him at least she will have a strong tittle as the second bride."

"Hinata-sama deserves far more then a mere second place to a bride that is not even from a clan at that!"

"It's true she is an orphaned villager!"

"They are strong!"

"How strong can they be if they allowed their only heir to marry a simple orphan!"

"Haii I agree! Besides Hinata-sama is still far more valuable then to a clan whom we really don't need an alliance with. If we have to marry Hinata-sama outside of the Leaf then let it be with a clan who can be somewhat valuable to us."

"And where exactly would we find that clan."

"Many have sons that are already married or that already have an arranged marriage."

"Yes I've already checked around."

Hinatas grandmother also sat quietly listening and looking around but her eyes still wondered to her son who sat quietly sipping his tea and she groaned with irritation on how he looked so uncaring of the matter.

Hinata was already 24 going on 25. July will be over in 1 week and August would be here and in 5 months, she would be 25.

"I was already married at this age" Hinatas grandmother thought.

Hinatas grandmother cleared her throat and everyone turned to stare her way including Hiashi.

"I heard that the Kazekage is looking for a bride. She wouldn't be to far, she would have a tittle to uphold the Hyuga name, and she would be in a well respected position."

Everyone murmured around and they all nodded as if that were final and Hiashi finally spoke.

"If Hinata agrees then the papers shall be sent. But ONLY if Hinata agrees."

"Hiashi don't you think this has gone far enough."

"Yes you have been to lenient."

"Naruto-sama is already Hokage he has been for the past 6 months yet now that his goal has been completed he is far to busy to even court."

"Haii and he had said he is not interested in no one at the moment."

"I think it's far time Hinatas little crush that you have let go on far to long needs to come to an end."

Hiashi stared at the old geezer but he showed no sign of the irritation he felt.

"I've talked to Hinata and she feels that although she cares greatly for him she holds no hope anymore to be in a relationship with him-."

"Then what is the problem your mother has already spoken and we all agree that the Kazekage is a great fit."

"The problem is that I refuse to let Hinata suffer in a loveless relationship."

"She can learn to lov-."

"That's exactly what I was told.. I listened to everything and did what ever my mother wanted, I married whom she wanted, had two daughters as she wanted, but even after she gave me two daughters and she died giving them to me I never loved her. I cared, she was a nice woman, with patience, but I never cared enough to want to pay attention to her.

I simple don't want any of my daughters to be in that kind of situation. I refuse to let it happen. So this will only happen IF Hinata her self gives the ok."

With that Hiashi stood and left them all fuming.

He walked outside to get fresh air and he winced. It was true even after years he ignored her never wanting to truly know her. He was still in love with another woman from a rivaling clan. Though she was also married she had two sons and her life was taken by her eldest. What a cruel way to have to die.

Although everyone knows the truth of the Uchiha massacre most still just ignore it.

Hiashi closed his eyes. During that time he remembered helping bury every single body. His jealous heart still could not bury her beside him, her husband.

He remembered cleaning her face and making sure her hair was clean and shiny. Her clothes were replaced.

He's still evil for not doing the same for everyone else it stays in his guilty Conscience, but it was done. At that moment his heart hurt to much to care about anyone else.

So he made sure to bury her beside a big red maple tree. He is able to see it from a huge pine tree that over looks a little of the Uchiha land.

Hiashi jumped up to a tree and then another getting higher and higher finally he sat at his usual place leaning back against the tree and stared at that single red maple tree far away.

The wind blew and he smiled slightly. He could still remember every single small detail her face made when she smiled carelessly or her glares when he would make her mad with his all mighty attitude as she would say.

She was feisty and that's what he enjoyed the most how she refused him every single second.

"Time sure flies by Mikoto. I have white hair now. Remember when you would tell me that I would get gray hair young with how stressful I always seemed... you were right."

Hiashi closed his eyes and enjoyed the wind for a moment longer.

Hope you guys like this ❤️❤️😋

I really am enjoying myself as I write 😍🥰

It's been a while since I've had this much passion for a story line 🥰

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Littlebear🐻🐻 out ✌🏼✌🏼🤟🏼

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