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Sasuke felt a little body land on top of his and he groaned. He opened one eye to stare at his 4 year old Daughter.

"Hinami. Thanks for waking dad for me!" Hinata giggled in the door way as she looked on as Hinami poked Sasuke on the cheek softly.

Sasuke hummed at them as Hinami giggled when Sasuke rolled over taking her with him and quickly tucking her in with him on the bed.

"Hinami go to sleep."

"No dad we have to get up it's your birthday!!!."

Sasuke raised a brow opening one eye at his daughter who was pouting up at him. He smirked and she smiled back at him white her little teeth being showcased in the process.

She was such a smart child. Strong willed to. Her hair was in a pony tail falling a little past her shoulders.

Beautiful color just like her mother's but with his Onyx eyes. Her eyes were big just like her mother's but she had his thin nose and chubby face.

"Ne Hinami did you get me a present?"

"Haii dad come on!"

Hinami rolled out of bed and ran out to the living room screaming out in excitement for him to hurry.
Sasuke stood stretching and went to his wife who was picking up discarded toys in their room. He went to the bathroom to wash his face and teeth.

He emerged as Hinata was finishing up tucking in the bed sheets. He snaked an arm around her making her giggle.

"Goodmorning and Happy birthday."

"Hn Thank you for my birthday present this morning."

Hinata blushed and smiled up at him shyly, making him smirk.

"Hm I-."


Hinata giggled as Sasuke raised a brow.

"How is it that we got such an energetic daughter."

"I'm actually glad she is energetic, she always keeps us on our toes! Oh let's hurry before she gets angry!"

Sasuke chuckled and hugged her to him once more before letting her go. They both walked towards Hinami who was already present in hand waiting for them.

Hinata smiled as Sasuke sat down and accepted the present with a kiss to her cheek.

Hinami was nervous and you could tell with how she fiddled with her fingers. Trying to contain her excitement and dread all at the same time.

Sasuke to make the situation even longer ever so slowly proceeded to open his wrapped gift.

Once he opened the box inside where a new pair of Shuriken and an envelope.

Sasuke carefully opened the envelope and stared at his small daughters drawing.

It was drawing with much color and it looked like in the middle of a grassy field , and sunny day, there stood a dad, mom, Hinami, and Hinami was holding the hand of another smaller person that had baby written on top.

Sasuke froze and quickly looked up at Hinata who was biting on her lip waiting on his reaction.

His eyes scanned her face and then he turned to Hinami who was smiling brightly, he cleared his throat and asked Hinami.

"So is this some way of you telling me you would like a sibling." Sasuke raised a brow at his daughter but she proceeded to giggle and run to her mother prancing around her and giggling.

"Nooo dad mommy said she alreaty gots a sibling for me!!"

"Hinami it's said (already has) not gots honey!"

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