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Noones POV

Sasuke sipped his tea as he heard a meow outside his door along with a scratching noice.

He frowned and stood from his chair and went to his office door.

As soon as he opened the door the little fur ball waltz in purring and rubbing against his feet.


Sasuke sighed and picked it up and went towards Hinatas bedroom door.

He knocked and it was instantly opened. Hinatas hair in a braid beside her made him stare at her a little longer then necessary he quickly snapped out of it and presented the cat to its owner.

"Oh! I hadn't noticed he had escaped!"

Hinata smiled softly and took the small kitten.

After 2 weeks of taking care of it day and night the little thing survived. When they got him it was so skinny Hinata felt like she would hurt its tiny bones by just holding it. It took some time and Hinata noticed the small thing couldn't even eat on its own.

So she quickly sent a message, to one of the guards working shift, to get a small bottle to feed it and it worked. Couldn't walk either so they both wondered how it got on the rooftop. Maybe the cat mom accidentally dropped it while running?

Now the little fur-ball is freely walking, running around and getting into mischief all the time.

It scratches onto the window curtains, the couches and blankets.

Although Sasuke isn't to fond of the kitten. With it puking and peeing on him 5 times on the first day, and it being a little trouble maker. He didn't once tell Hinata to get rid of it.

"He really likes you!" Hinata said softly.


Sasuke turned and walked away.


He stopped and turned to Hinata as she put the small kitten in the ground and it quickly went inside her room going to do who knows what.

"Um did you see the papers I left in your office..."

Sasuke nodded and walked away. The marriage papers they were signed already. So she was officially an Uchiha.

That was their marriage license that she left along with the necessary paper work of belongings and such. He didn't want anything from the Hyuga although they insisted on giving something as accustom to a marriage so he paid a small amount from his wealth and in return his child wouldn't be branded.

Not like that was a choice. Sasuke scoffed as he went back into his office.

Sitting down and reading where he left of on the important documents.
He rubbed his eyes and sighed. This would take all night.


The next day Hinata got up early after wrenching last nights supper, she finally noticed she was starting to show.

She was so excited that she stayed staring at herself in her floor length mirror for ages.

She was smiling brighter that morning, and she decided to flaunt her small stomach she wore a tight white V neck long sleeve shirt, and some beige leggings, She put her hair up in a ponytail.

"Meeow" Hinata looked down and smiled she slipped on her slippers and walked out her room.

"Let's get you some warm milk. It's really cold today."

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