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Sasuke dodge the last hit and made Naruto loose his balance. He frowned as Naruto laid on the ground face down, not even wanting to try.

Sasuke stopped and stretched his hands up in the air. He slowly crouched down and frowned.

Hinatas birthday party was a success not expecting such thing she had a good time and that night they went home and slept peacefully.

Hinata had woken up Christmas morning to lots of gifts from clothes to accessories but what she loved the most was the present he got her of how to make desserts.

She knew how to cook well and bake but he had heard her talk about how she'd like to get a book on making all types of desserts, during dinner one time. Even though she had changed the subject, after his lack of response after that, he had already made a mental note on that matter.

"Ne Teme why am I here. I told you, I didn't feel like sparring today." Naruto mumbled.

Sasuke frowned again.

"I was stressed and needed to punch something."

Naruto rolled on his back to look up at his friend.

"There are training grounds for that."

Sasuke shrugged " maybe I just like hitting you. It's my hobby, hearing your cries of pain make life better."

"Why you..!"

Naruto lunged at Sasuke with the intent of hitting him, Sasuke had already felt it coming he grinned and took his stance as Naruto attacked.

After 2 hours they both laid on the ground bloodied, and bruised, clothes torn, and different patches burnt slightly.

It looked like they had just fought a war, and lost!

Sasuke had taken his shirt of at some point since it was torn enough.

Ino and Hinata had watched the last 20 minutes waiting for them to finish. They weren't sure if anyone had won as they had both collapsed at the same time.

Both hand hands full with a basket of food and water and new clothes for them to wear.

They both smiled and Hinata blushed as Sasuke was the first to stand and stretched. Hinata looked inside her bag and took a cloth out and a bottle of water wetting the cloth she smiled and handed it to Sasuke.

Sasuke took it and wiped his face, scrunching his face at the now brown cloth in his hand.

Hinata smiled and took the cloth placing it inside a different bag and took out a clean shirt for Sasuke to wear.

Sasuke nodded and placed his shirt when he looked back at Hinata she was looking away with tinted cheeks Sasuke only raised a brow in question but said nothing.

He turned to Naruto to see him in the same spot but now with Ino sitting beside his face, that she was currently wiping.

"Naruto I'll see you later. I know I said we'd eat together but I need a shower."

Naruto was still laying down breathing heavily. He grunted and waved his hand at Sasuke in a go away gesture.

Sasuke started to walk away and before Hinata followed behind him she turned and gave Ino the basket of food.

Before Ino could say anything Hinata shook her waved her hand, in a it's alright motion.

"No Please make sure Naruto eats all of it! He looks like a skeleton. Bye, Naruto see you later."

"Thanks Hina!! bye tell that bastard he better have those reports done!"

Hinata giggled as Naruto sat up groaning and stretching.

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