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Naruto POV.

My eyes widened when I felt the spike in chakra and I knew exactly who it was.

Why was he back? I didn't send word for him. I started to worry as he all of a sudden appeared infront of me.

He had a black cloak around him and his hair covered one eye, but that one eye that was visible was enough to show Caution Warning sign.

I calmed my nerves and I slowly stood out of my chair and smiled.

"You finally decided to comeback after almost 11 months huh!"

I chuckled and his glare grew.

"You mind explaining this."

I gulped as I picked up the scroll thrown on my desk.

I slowly unrolled it and started to read over it.

I sighed and placed the scroll on the desk.

"I was going to tell you-."

"Where you Naruto? It's almost 3 months. Looks like you had more then enough time to let me know."

"I know it looks bad- wait where are you going!"

He didn't answer and I quickly ran after him grabbing my Hokage cloak before walking out.

"Sasuke! Wait! We need to talk firs-."

He turned sharply and faced me with a glare. He's truly pissed.

"I can't count on you. I will handle this myself."

"How do you plan on doing that exactly. Either way how ever this goes I'm going to get involved also-."

"Look I'm not in the mood it's been almost 3 months. I need to talk to whomever-."

"Do you even know who's pregnant with your child?"

Sasuke stared at me as if I was an idiot.

"Did you not read the scroll I just willingly gave to you. It clearly had the Hyugas symbol."

I frowned oh I honestly hadn't noticed.

"You truly are an idiot."

I went after him as he walked out of the tower and directly towards the Hyuga compound.

When I read over the scroll all I could focus on was "pregnant, your child." Because honestly those were the only words I was looking for.

I should really have read everything, but it seemed like those were the only words that popped out and my brain didn't process what ever else was written on there.

I was to focused on the fact that I knew he was infront of me because he knew.

I sighed and waved at people as they said hello.

I was all of a sudden surrounded by teenagers and asked for signatures and I could not refuse as I smiled and then flinched when I noticed Sasuke was gone.


I smiled and nodded and started to sign and receive a few envelopes.

Sasuke POV

I walked straight towards the Hyuga compound wondering on what I would end up faced with.

The letter said clearly that his daughter ended up pregnant but no name was said or whom wrote it.

Just said to go directly towards the Hyuga compound so we could personally talk.

I saw the gates and the guards situated right outside the gates. I stopped a few feet away and took a deep breath and masked my anger and chakra so nothing was felt.

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