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Anonymous POV

"Make sure that it's done!" I sneered

He bowed and turned leaving to do my bidding.

After next week there will be no bastard and she will marry the Kazekage.

Sasuke POV

I wondered if I should have invited Hiashi to eat. This was such an awkward dinner.

I munched on my rice and glanced her way but she was also eating carefully.

I was unsure if it was because the food wasn't to her taste or because from what Hiashi told me, she started morning sickness, and throwing up after certain foods.

I made sure to avoid all the foods she couldn't smell.

Maybe the decoration wasn't to her liking it was a little to dark.

Not much color. But I wasn't an expert I even hired some designer or what ever she was called, to come and decorate.

I cleared my throat and her eyes lifted towards mine. A blush kissed her cheeks.

"Is the food not to your liking. You don't need to eat it if you so desire."

"Oh no! Not at all! It's just that for the past two days any food that touches my taste buds all of a sudden makes me sick. I'm hungry, but I'm trying to eat slowly just Incase!"

I nodded and went back to eating.

"I was told that your cravings have been those sweet things. Why don't you eat that first."

Just so she can actually eat something, from what I heard the only food pregnant woman tolerate well are the ones they actually crave.

I quickly nodded to the maid to go get it and she quickly walked towards the living room and walked back with the small box.

Hinata quickly quirked up and took the small box.

Another maid brought her a plate and fork, to place it on and eat it with.

She smiled at them and before she placed it on the plate she took a big bite and moaned at the pastry as she chewed.

Her eyes were closed and it looked like she was really enjoying that. I grimaced at the extremely sweet smell and breathed through my mouth as I kept eating.

I glanced at her but she just ket eating hardly breathing, I raised a brow as she licked her fingers when there was no more pastry.

I noticed the maid smile sweetly and pick up the tea pot and fill her tea cup, she grabbed a napkin for her and when Hinata looked up her face turned red.

She gulped her last bite and wiped her mouth.

"I-I'm s-sorr-."

"Eat, only as much as you can."

She nodded but her face was still red and she was avoiding eye contact.

I finished and she ket eating but I stared away looking at the clock as I waited patiently for her to finish.

I looked back towards her as I heard my name and I left my thoughts.

"How about you settle in your room. I'll show you around."

I took a sip of my water and wiped my mouth standing from my chair.

She followed suit and I walked towards the first hallway.

"This hallway holds the guest bedrooms. There are 3 and two bathrooms. Two hall closets.

The hallway on the left holds 4 bedrooms in total for guest that are more of status like your father, sister, and important guests.

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