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Naruto stared out the Hokage window and smiled. He was Hokage now he had responsibilities and he still found himself wanting to go out there and dragging that Teme back home.

He was out of prison his parol was over still he left not caring about Sakura as he left her with a Brocken heart.

He was still a weak man for her.... still that is no excuse to sleep with a married woman.

Naruto stood up and rubbed his head screaming with irritation.

"What are you doing now idiot. What a drag why do I have to keep reminding you to hurry up, that paper work is just going to keep piling on."

Naruto sat back down in a very lazily way.

"Shikamaru I did something bad betraying a friendship I value a lot. I feel like I should tell him what happened, but at the same time I'm afraid of the consequences it will bring."

"Huh look at you using big words."

"Shikamaru help me out here."

Naruto wailed and turned around in his chair facing the lazy ninja and threw his arms over the desk with his chin on top of it and his eyes trained on Shikamaru.

Shikamaru stared at his friend and Hokage and thought hard on that subject.

He knew what was going on. With how much Sakura has been by and he confirmed it by eves dropping once. His curiosity on finding out the answer to his question and theory over taking his mind.

Finding the Hokage and Mrs.Uchiha in a heated kiss was not something you see every day.

But since he saw what he already knew, he decided to put it behind him. Another theory solved and that was it, besides getting caught up in that situation well... what a drag.

Shikamaru thought that the way Naruto acted he was sure he never meant for it to get so far. He's always been Sakuras shoulder to cry on since they were young.

He's wiped every tear. Tried to mend that same rip over and over on that woman's heart. But when is enough, enough for Sakura. How can she still hold hope for feelings so... misplaced.

It was besides Shikamaru how she could. Even Ino finds it irritating to hang with her with how much she just walks around with a cloud over her head.

Back to the subject Shikamaru stared at his friend and sighed sitting down infront of him.

"It's going to end up bad for you Naruto. The minute he comes back she will forget about you. Put you back in the closet for when she needs you back again. I know you feel like your the only one who can understand her suffering. But are you willing to suffer yourself for her selfishness."

Naruto stared at Shikamaru and he looked away placing he's cheek in the desk and staring at the pile of paperwork.

"Do you think he will forgive me."

He knew Shikamaru knew. He knew it was wrong to keep on going along with it. He's still weak in a sense.

"I don't know. I can't speak for how he feels... or how he will feel once he finds out."

Naruto sighed and stood up this paperwork isn't going to just disappear.

"Yea I get it."

He started to read the paper he picked up and distracted himself in his work in the mean time.

Shikamaru stared at his friend and then stood leaving again. He needed to do his own work. Naruto is old enough to know what wrong and right is.

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