Two weeks after Yuta's depart Hyelin was back to her usual self, well more or less. Yukhei had been checking up on her a lot, she was thankful for him. They've also hung out a lot more recently. So that was a plus. She hardly felt lonely anymore. Jaehyun would stop by after classes or whenever he had some time, even thought Hyelin insisted she was getting better. All in all she was doing better, not the best, but better.
Hyelin was working today so there was something that could keep her mind off of the recent events. She entered mini-mart ready to start her day.
"Daniel? I'm here," Hyelin said noticing there was nobody at the register.
"It's ya boi!" Yukhei exclaimed coming out of the staff room in the mini-mart uniform.
Hyelin's eyes widened. Was she dreaming right now? Or was she hallucinating? Is Yukhei really all she thinks about?
"Are you real?" She asked touching his face, "Or am I hallucinating."
Yukhei laughed, "I'm real Hye."
"Hyelin are you bugging the new employee already?" Daniel asked leaving the staff room.
"You're serious you work here?" She asked as she stopped touching his face.
"Yeah, Soyeon put in a good word for him," Daniel chuckled.
"So we're working buddies now?" She asked in awe.
"Yeah he's taking my shift since I have a new class schedule," Daniel sighed, "Guess who's working graveyard again."
"Yikes that sucks," She said, "Good luck with that though."
With that Daniel left the store leaving Hyelin and Yukhei alone in the store.
"So what made you wanna get a job?" Hyelin asked as she stocked the chips.
"I've been needing one for a while. I was literally asking around and I came in here and Soyeon asked for my resume. Then I ended up with a job." He chuckled cleaning the tables.
"Wow, now we're gonna see each other a lot more," Hyelin said, "Seems like a blessing and a curse."
"Curse? How?" Yukhei asked slightly offended.
"Because I never get stuff done when I'm around you. Plus my head is all over the place," She chuckled moving on to stock the drinks.
"Is that so?" He asked going to the register.
"Mhm, but at least I'm not alone on my shifts anymore. Daniel would only be here for like the first ten minutes and then his shift would be over."
"I'm gonna be a way better coworker than Daniel," He chuckled.
Hyelin rolled her eyes playfully, "I don't know about that. He was a pretty good coworker."
"Bet," He smiled at her, "I think you'll like me better."
She chuckled at his comment as she finished stocking.
"I just realized school starts in a few weeks and then we graduate in another few months huh," Yukhei said.
She nodded, "Yup. When school starts again we'll be seeing each other like 24/7."
"I'm excited!" He gleamed.
The door opened slightly.
"Welcome to mini- oh hi Yoora," Yukhei said sounding a bit confused.
Hyelin's eyes immediately flickered over to Yoora, who's hair was in its natural color. Black. The two girls' eyes met. There was something familiar about Yoora that she couldn't pinpoint.
It's ya boi // Yukhei
FanfictionHey it's ya boi ;) You have been blocked by hyeeeelin