| An Extra Chromosome |

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With just an extra chromosome,
Some angels are born,
In our distorted world today.

A miserable lot exists, where,
Some are bullied!
Some are neglected!
On the contrary,
Born under the lucky star, were,
The ones who were loved!
The ones who were cherished!

But, aren't they all supposed to be treated the same?
Weren't we all thrown together into this world to lend a helping hand?
Where has our conscience flown?
Where has our mind diverted?

They don't look for luxuries.
They don't look for money.
But, all they simply look for,
And yearn for, is someone,
With a beautiful heart.
Someone, whose smile could make their day.
Someone, whose care could melt their lonesome hearts.

Be human! Be kind!
Their faces maybe different from yours,
But we all share the same feelings,
Don't we?

After all, why punish them, when they aren't at fault?
Its just that they were born with an extra chromosome,
That has now, come to be labelled as
Down Syndrome!

~ Aqilah


*Down Syndrome is a type of genetic disorder caused by extra genetic material in chromosome 21.

*The additional material present influences development and results in the state known as Down Syndrome.

*The estimated incidence of Down Syndrome is between 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,100 live births worldwide. Each year approximately 3,000 to 5,000 children are born with this chromosome disorder.


DAY 18

Have a blessed October!
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