| The Seasonal Quadruplet |

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One fine day,
Mother Earth was asked,
A tedious question,
"Who do you think
We love out of
Your seasonal quadruplet?"
She sighed while pondering...

Warming your heart,
Making the plants upstart,
Glowing like the sun,
She assessed one
To be a great
Lover boy...

Absolute zero compassion,
Chilling cold demeanour,
His favourite saying being,
"Never thaw frozen hearts!"
She knew he'd be
Unloved and isolated
By all of us...

''Leaf me alone!''
Says the third,
When you try to
Find your pumpkin.
The daring one,
Whose beauty looked mosaic,
Ironically when nature dies.
She knew that he's
Always the untouchable...

Living with this one,
Is equivalent to
Blissful nights in paradise.
Splish splash, Birds sing,
Beach tan, pool party,
Without a doubt,
He will always be
The charmer of a
Girls' heart, she concluded...

With a pleasant smile
She answered,
"If you can't love
All my sons equally,
There is no way
You will survive life
On my fluctuating soul!"

~ Aqilah


2nd stanza - SPRING.
3rd stanza - WINTER.
4th stanza - AUTUMN.
5th Stanza - SUMMER.


DAY 25

Have a blessed October!
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