| A heartaches' Remedy |

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Tick Tock, strikes the clock.
''Oh my god'',I wake up in utter shock.
''Five more minutes'', I hear a scream.
''Yes I heard'', I lie thinking of my dream.

Toothpaste and soap water flows.
My face, after all this glow.
I get ready in a hurry.
Not ready to face my familys' fury.

My bag goes missing.
My siblings stand hissing.
Finally, I make it to the bus,
As the driver makes a fuss.

Years later, I recall this memory,
As they turn out to be a heartaches' remedy.
Cherish your school life before its too late,
Because by the time you realize it, you will be standing infront of its closed gate!

~ Aqilah


This poem is dedicated to everyone with a memorable school life and all my friends :) If you didn't have a pleasant school life, I am sorry. Don't worry, there is something much more pleasant in store for you ❤

DAY 16

Have a blessed October!
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