| Desire For Freedom |

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Her skin,
Shone magnificiently
With black and silver stripes.
She was a beauty,
Surrounded by admirers.
She was a pearl,
Hidden underneath a coral...

She had many companions,
Yet, she always felt lonely.
Because,she was an
Enchanting angelfish
Who was trapped
In an aquarium
Unable to set herself free...

Whenever she looks at others,
Walking and talking freely
She yearns to taste,
The essence of freedom!
She craves for happiness,
The others at liberty feel!

An unlucky angelfish, she was!
Caught in a world,
That was forcefully
Thrown at her
Without her consent.

She was,
An angelfish unable to fathom,
Who she really is!
An angelfish unable to discover,
The adventurous soul
Which was a blessing indeed!
An angelfish, fed up of
Flashing a smile to her onlookers,
While in reality, she kept dying inside!

She was confined forever.
She knew it!
Her eyes,
Threatened to spill out tears
That would fall off,
Without guard
When she was,
Ready to unleash
Her long lost emotions...

~ Aqilah



Have a blessed October!
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