| Colour Of Love |

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Love has its own shades of colours,

Life without a purpose,
Only revolving around sadness.
Vexated mind of issues,
Ends up in ruination of yourself...

To some of you,
Love is a colourless dynamite,
Who patiently awaits an occasion
To snatch your peace...

It looks upon you as a prey
To lead you astray.
Be careful of who you trust,
Because it is usually lost, due to lust!

Lips with shy smiles,
Outing in miles.
Valentines are devoted,
Eyes speak out emotions.

To some of you,
Love is a colourful angel.
Who brightens up your life,
And makes your heart shine...

Suddenly, appears your knight,
Never leaving your sight.
He promises a happily ever after,
With a joyous life full of laughter...

Be cautious about your choice...

~ Aqilah


Day 26

Have a blessed October!
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