Chapter One

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A lot. I'm gonna do as many as I possibly can because I don't care I can do it if I want to.

Anyways this one isn't as intense as the other ones, like Sparkle or Black Rose. It'll be more like Not Like She Seems than any. So I'm sure you guys will enjoy this story.

Also it definitely won't be as long unless I get more of the story planned. Anyways, enjoy.



Y/n lived a rough life. She eventually got so tried and decided to just run away to try and solve her problems. But she never realized that this was just the beginning, starting with a mysterious bus.

She would meet KO and Tko, twins who live in the town of Lakewood. She would make friends, and start her life over.

Little does she know that not all good things last forever.

Chapter One

Y/n grabbed her bag and shoved a flashlight in it. She emptied out her drawers and took anything necessary. She bagged her clothes, her phone and charger, and a photo she kept at the bottom of her drawer.

She pulled a hoodie on as she walked over to her window. She looked outside it. It was dark, the moon and stars illuminating the field.

She lived out on a field, but it didn't take long to walk to the city. Only about a half an hour.

She pushed the window open and went legs first out. She stopped and looked into her room. It was trashed, junk everywhere. On the wall was a large map. But she never planned on going to any certain place. She just planned to go wherever her legs carried her.

She slipped out of the window and onto the grass. Her ripped shoes let in the morning dew. She walked over to the dirt road and looked back at the house. It was an old cabin with a couple windows on the front, and a couple on the sides. There was a porch with chairs and a table by the door.

A light suddenly clicked on in the house. Y/n gasped and turned on her heels, running away.

She didn't have any powers so she couldn't go very fast, or fight. She lived like people used to before they developed powers. They weren't considered normal to the people in town. They were considered weird, and not adapted like everyone else.

"Y/n?! Where are you?!" A voice shouted in the distance. Y/n panicked, her speed ever so slowly picking up.

She heard a vehicle. Her eyes widened. She leaped over the barb wire fence and hid in the tall grass. The vehicle drove past her. Once it was far away, Y/n stood back up and climbed back over the fence. She looked down the road the pickup truck drove down. She contemplated over going down the road, where she would get spotted, or go through the woods, risking getting caught by some wild animal.

"The road is safer... I can hide in the field if I need to." She said to herself. She began walking down the road, letting her thoughts consume her.

What if she got caught? Would she be in big trouble? How would everyone react? Would she be considered the weakling that tried to run away? Would everyone hate her even more than they already do?

She shook away the thoughts as she saw the entrance to the small town in the distance. At an old store, was parked the pickup truck she saw. She looked around for the driver, but they were no where to be seen.

"He must've gone to look around the town..." Y/n mumbled. She saw a bench at the entrance of the town. It was right across the road from the truck. She noticed a bus sign. "I can take this bus out of town..."

She sat down on the bench, and not even seconds after, a bus pulled up.

The door opened. Y/n stood up and looked inside. The walls inside were white, almost glowing. The driver was looking out the window and not at Y/n.

"Hey!" Y/n called.

"Yes?" The driver asked in a sweet voice. She sounded similar to Y/n, but her voice was sweet like candy upon hearing it.

"Where does this go?" Y/n asked.

"Wherever your heart desires." They answered. That was a strange way to answer wherever. But Y/n didn't care. She just needed to get away.

"Take me far away." Y/n ordered.

"How far does your heart wish to go?" They asked. Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know! Just get me away from here!" Y/n exclaimed.

"As you wish." They said. Y/n entered the bus. The white walls were nearly blinding. The entire bus was empty except for her and the driver.

Y/n sat down in the very last seat. She looked out the window and noticed the driver of the pickup truck across the road. She gasped and got down. After a second, she looked back up and saw they was looking directly at the bus, but seemed as if they were thinking. Y/n raised an eyebrow placed a hand on the window, watching them. It's like he didn't even see the bus.

"Is there any place you think you would like to go to?" The bus driver asked in their strangely sweet voice.

"Somewhere I can start over. Anywhere is fine, really. Just as long as it's not anywhere near here." Y/n answered.

"Of course." The bus driver smiled, still not looking at Y/n. The bus started, and began driving down the road. Y/n looked out the window and saw the truck driver was still thinking, not even noticing the bus.

Y/n shrugged it off and leaned back, closing her eyes. She slipped into a deep sleep, letting all of her thoughts disappear.

Hopefully she won't get caught.

I'm actually feeling kind of good about this first part of the story...

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