Chapter Eight

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Y/n sat in the living room, eating her dinner with KO and Carol. Tko didn't want any, so he went to their shared room.

As he walked in, he saw Y/n's book bag spilled on her pallet, revealing everything she had inside. He looked at the door, making sure nobody was coming in, then shut it.

He sat down on the pallet, and grabbed her phone. He turned the screen on, and saw there was a password. He groaned in annoyance, about to put the phone down when he saw the background. It showed him, KO, and Y/n smiling into the camera. Well, Tko wasn't smiling but whatever.

He smiled and set the phone down. He saw a photo laying face down on the pallet. He picked it up and saw Y/n and a woman hugging.

"Is that... Her mom?" He mumbled to himself. She did have similarities to Y/n.

"Hey!" Someone shouted. Tko turned and saw Y/n standing in the door. She looked down at the photo in his hands. "Put that down!"

"Wait! Y/n, is this--" Tko was cut off by Y/n tackling him.

"Give it to me!" She growled, pulling the photo. Tko didn't let go.

"Wait, I just wanna ask you a question!" Tko said.

"Give me the picture!" Y/n raised her voice.

"Not yet!" Tko pulled it.

"Give me it now!" Y/n pulled the photo from him. It suddenly ripped in half. Y/n gasped as her eyes widened.

"I-I didn't mean to--" Tko was cut off by Y/n punching him in the shoulder.

"You ripped it! That was all I had of her! I'm gonna kill you!" Y/n shouted as she began punching him.

"Y/n! It was an accident! Stop! I'm sorry!" Tko exclaimed as he tried to push her off. She landed a punch on his cheek. "Y/n! Get off!"

"You ruined it!" Y/n shouted. She was suddenly pulled off of Tko by Carol. She lifted Y/n up to eye level. Y/n kicked around, trying to break free of her grip. "Let go!"

"Hey! What's wrong? What happened?" Carol asked.

"He ruined the only photo I had of my mom! It's all I had! He ripped it and now it's ruined!" Y/n cried as she wrapped her arms around Carol's neck. Carol bent over and picked up the two pieces.

"This? We can take this back together." She said.

"It won't be the same..." Y/n said.

"Oh, sure it will. C'mon, we'll go fix it." Carol said as she turned and walked out. Y/n looked down at Tko and glared at him, sniffing as she wiped a stray tear off.

Carol set Y/n down on the couch and handed her the two pieces. She walked away to get some tape and came back with some.

"See? It'll be fixed in no time." Carol said as she taped the two pieces together. She then handed Y/n the fixed photo. Y/n looked down at it.

"I guess..." She mumbled. Carol sighed.

"Do you miss your mom?" She asked. Y/n sniffed, her eyes hurting from holding tears back.

"Everyday..." Y/n mumbled. It wasn't just that she missed her, it's how she died.

"I bet she was fun." Carol said.

"She was. She always brightened my day when I was down. We always did fun stuff together." Y/n said as she rubbed a tear away.

"Well, I know I've got a lot to live up to." Carol smiled at Y/n. Y/n chuckled.

"She was really great. It sucks that she's gone..." Y/n said. Carol sighed and stood up.

"Well maybe things will be fun with us." She said. She then walked away. Y/n sighed and looked down at the photo.

"Y/n?" Someone called. Y/n looked up and saw Tko standing in front of her. "I-I'm sorry I ripped your photo."

"It's... It's fine..." Y/n said. She was suddenly engulfed in a hug as Tko wrapped his arms around her. She hesitantly hugged him back.

They stayed like that for a moment, Tko not letting go of her. His grip on her tightened. Y/n chuckled.

"I accept your apology, you don't have to choke me." She joked. Tko pulled away, blushing.

"S-Sorry." He stuttered, looking down as he rubbed his arm. Y/n smiled slightly.

"Apologizing is killing you, isn't it?" She asked. Tko nodded. Y/n wrapped her arm around his shoulders. "Don't worry. Carol was right. See?" She showed him the photo. "I guess I kind of overreacted, huh?"

"Yeah, you did." Tko said as he pointed to a small bruise on his cheek. Y/n chuckled.

"Well, then I guess I have to apologize, too." She said. She placed her lips on his cheek, surprising Tko. She pulled away a second later. "There. You're better now." Y/n said as she patted his shoulder and walked away, leaving Tko as a blushing mess.

"Are you dating now?!" KO jumped out from behind a chair. Tko punched his shoulder.

"No! Stop asking!" Tko growled.

"Fine, fine. But when you do, I'm gonna be the first person to know." KO said as he walked away. Tko looked down at the floor and smiled slightly.

"When we do..." He mumbled to himself.

You guys, I really want to bring back my book 'Not Like She Seems', but I can't make a third book. I don't want to ruin it. I already did that with 'Black Rose'.

I sort of have a plot ready for the third book, but I'm not gonna do it because I already ended the series.

Do any of you have any ideas how I can bring it back? I know a lot of you read the first book so sOMEBODY BETTER SAY SOMETHING

Nah, you don't have to. I'm sure I'll come up with something. But if you have an idea, I'd like to hear it!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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