Chapter Thirteen

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I have a lot more planned for this book but I'm not really inspired anymore.

I know this book has a lot to live up to since my other ones were so creative and by the words of others, 'amazing', even though that's not exactly what I think. Still, people are expecting big things to happen in this story.

Hate to break it to you, but not a lot is going to happen in the story. You're gonna see flashbacks, pasts revealed, and some crappy romance because it's an X Reader (I can already see the reads dropping).

I don't want to put the book on hiatus or even discontinue it because at the moment, it's my last idea for an X Reader. I always plan ahead for another story, but without inspiration, I won't be able to make another one and I can't continue any books.

Okay I'm gonna end my long note before someone starts freaking out. I'm gonna try to write, but I've been struggling for a few weeks and I'm not sure I'll be able to write much more for a while. Try to enjoy this rushed crap.

Carol pulled up in the parking lot and shut the vehicle off. She stepped out and opened the back door for the three, and they jumped out.

"I'm going to the dojo, I'll see you guys later." Carol said as she turned and walked away, waving.

"Bye!" KO waved goodbye. He turned to Y/n. "C'mon! It's been so long since you talked to Enid and Rad!" He grabbed her wrist and rushed inside, Tko walking behind them.

As they walked inside, they were greeted by Enid and Rad.

"Hey, guys! Haven't seen you in a while." Enid said.

"It was pretty quiet without you." Rad said.

"Heh, yeah, we were with Y/n." KO said. Enid looked at Y/n.

"Oh, yeah. Have you settled in yet?" She asked.

"Settled in? Her and Tko are already dating!" KO said. Tko growled at KO.

"Dating, huh? You guys definitely got together fast. I didn't know you even liked people, Tko." Enid said.

"I like people! Just... Very few..." Tko said as he crossed his arms.

"And by very few, you mean just Y/n." Rad said. Tko rolled his eyes.

"So, Y/n, are you gonna get a job here?" Enid asked.

"Oh, I don't know... I'm not exactly excited about the idea of working all day and waking up super early for it..." Y/n said.

"I wasn't either. And look where I am now." Enid said.

"Working all day and waking up early to fight robots." Rad said.

"Yeah... But maybe I will. I don't know. I don't have any powers, so I can't fight." Y/n said.

"You don't have powers?" Enid raised an eyebrow. Y/n shook her head. "And Tko isn't even gonna bother to teach you how to fight?"

"Well, I never thought about that. And she never asked!" Tko said.

"It's okay. Fighting isn't really my thing." Y/n said.

"Well what is your thing? Or do you just sit around all day, bored?" Rad asked.

"I don't really have a thing... I was really lonely back at my old home, so I just sat around all day, waiting for something to do." Y/n said as she looked down.

"So then work here! We could train you to fight, and you'll be hanging out with us all day!" KO said. Y/n sighed.

"I don't know. I'll think about it." She said.

"Well while you're doing that," Rad began as he handed KO a mop and Tko scrubbing tools. "These two can clean. And you can help if you want."

"Okay! C'mon, Y/n!" KO grabbed Y/n's hand and ran down an isle, finding a spot to mop.

As KO was mopping, Tko was scrubbing the shelves. Although, he didn't seem too happy about like KO was with the mop.

"Need some help?" Y/n asked. Tko turned to her and smiled.

"Sure." He handed her a scrubbing tool. She began scrubbing the shelves. "So... Have you decided you want to work here yet?"

"Tko, it hasn't even been five minutes yet." Y/n laughed.

"I know. I just... Think work would be more fun with you around. I could actually look forward to going to work." Tko said. Y/n smiled.

"Maybe I will start working here." She said.

They moved to the next shelf, walking down the isle. As they were walking, Y/n suddenly tripped on the slippery floor.

"Woah!" She yelped as she fell to the floor. She screwed her eyes shut, waiting for impact. When nothing ever happened, she opened her eyes and saw that Tko had caught her.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Y/n nodded.

"I'm fine. Thanks for catching me." She said. Tko smiled. He looked into her eyes. They were shiny, the e/c color complimenting her complexion. He suddenly began leaning in, his eyes closed. Y/n did the same. She felt his breath on hers as they got closer.

Just as they were about to kiss, they heard the clatter of something falling. Tko looked up and saw KO reaching out for the camera he dropped.

"How many times are you going to record us?!" He exclaimed, setting Y/n on her feet.

"I need to save these memories!" KO said as he hugged the camera close, protecting it. Tko sighed.

"I thought Enid and Rad told you about how that's invading people's privacy." He said. KO frowned.

"Aw, you're right. I guess I won't record you anymore..." He said as he walked away. Tko groaned in annoyance.

"He can be so annoying sometimes." He said.

"Aw, he's not that bad." Y/n said as she laughed a bit.

"Whatever. Now, where were we?" Tko wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She laughed.

"Tko, we can't kiss in public. It's embarrassing." She said as she blushed.

"It's their problem if they look." Tko said as he kissed her lightly on the cheek. She giggled as she wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. He placed his lips on hers, kissing her. She smiled into the kiss, placing a hand on his cheek.

They pulled away a few seconds later and looked into each other's eyes.

"I'm glad I met you, Y/n." Tko said.

"I'm glad I met you, too." Y/n smiled.

I have never dreaded writing fluff more. I don't hate it, I just don't like writing it for people because it probably sucks.

Also, my friend actually gave me the idea for this chapter. Just the tripping part and KO interrupting the kiss, I did the rest.

Lmao I started a oneshot book just to see if I could get any inspiration for this book. So far, I've gotten none and I've already written four or five oneshots.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed.

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