Chapter Seventeen

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Well I've got yet another X Reader idea I'll explain what I have so far at the end of this chapter.

Also M/n is Mom's name. You'll need to know that during this chapter.

Y/n knew that even though she didn't see them as much, she would still remember the memories. She had to face them. Even though she knew that would mean having to remember every detail, reliving the nightmare. But she needed to, in order to help herself move on.

"It's okay. I'm right here if you need me." Tko said as he grabbed her hand. She squeezed it.

"Okay... Just give me some time..." She said. She closed her eyes, letting the memories play in her head.


M/n led Y/n into her room after helping her pack.

"C'mon, Y/n! It's okay!" M/n said as she kept her smile to make sure Y/n felt safe.

"Are you sure it's safe?" Y/n asked as she looked down at her book bag full of her things.

"It's okay. I'm sure." M/n said, her smile becoming more soft.

"Promise?" Y/n looked up at her. She stuck her pinkie finger out for M/n to take. She grabbed it with her own.

"Promise." She said. She then walked up to the drawers she kept her clothes in.

M/n grabbed a bag, stuffing clothes and anything they might need in it. Y/n had all of her stuff in her book bag, ready to go.

"Where are we gonna go, Mommy?" Y/n asked.

"Far away, Y/n, very far away. Maybe we can go stay with a friend, or get a little home just for ourselves." M/n smiled at Y/n. But she was more worried than anything.

They suddenly heard a clatter come from the kitchen. It sounded like glass hitting the floor. M/n gasped.

"Y/n! Get in the closet!" M/n pushed her into the closet and shut the door, leaving her in the darkness.

"M/n? What are you doing?" A familiar voice said. He sounded upset again. "Where's Y/n?"

"I'm not telling you." M/n said. Y/n peeked through the door, opening the door enough for her to see but they couldn't see her.

"Where are you going?" Charles asked, getting more angry with M/n.

"I'm not telling you! But I can say with certainty that you won't be going with us!" M/n raised her voice. Charles grabbed her arms roughly, making her look directly into his eyes.

"You're not leaving! Now where is the kid?!" He shouted. Y/n backed away from the door, growing scared. Her hands began shaking as she searched for something, anything that could help her mother.

On top of a box that had the word 'Photos' scribbled on the lid sat a gun. She picked it up, her hands shaking so much that she was barely holding it.

She walked over to the door and pushed it open, revealing herself. Charles and M/n looked down at her, both shocked. Charles suddenly wrapped his arm around M/n's neck and held her in front of him.

"You can't shoot me. And you would never shoot your own mother." Charles said. Y/n looked at her hands, which were still shaking. She raised the gun and pointed it at him. The gun was shaking as she aimed it.

She pulled back the hammer back, hearing a click from the gun. Charles squinted his eyes.

"Go ahead. Shoot. See who you hit." He said. Y/n felt tears streaming down her face as she pulled the trigger. She screwed her eyes shut, not wanting to see who she hit. The gun was shaking in her hands, and she could not see who it was aiming at.

"Y/n!" M/n shouted, but the sound of the gun firing covered her voice. The next sound Y/n heard was the thud of a body. Y/n opened one eye, praying to Cob it was Charles.

"You... You killed her!" Charles shouted, looking at the dead body on the floor as blood spilled out onto the carpet. Y/n gasped sharply, dropping the gun.

"Mommy!" Y/n cried, tears streaming down her face.


"Mommy!" Y/n cried out. She was shaking, the memory traumatizing her.

"Y/n, it's okay! I'm here!" Tko quickly wrapped his arms her, trying to calm her.

"It didn't help to face them! It only made it worse! I-I can't take it, Tko! I can't face them!" Y/n said through gasps as she sobbed.

"It's okay, Y/n. You can face them. You're strong. I know you can do it." Tko said as he smiled softly. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him closely.

"I can't... I-I can't do it... I'm not strong..." She mumbled, her voice muffled in his shirt as she held him close.

"Yes, you are. You got this far, didn't you? You were strong enough to face the consequences for running away, and you were strong enough to open up to someone after so many years. You can do it. I know you can." Tko said as he placed his hands on her cheeks, looking her in the eyes. Y/n sniffed.

"I ran away because I was too weak to face him. Now I've brought you and your family into my problems and you could get in trouble. I'm not strong enough to fix anything. I'm only weak enough to screw everything up." She said as she looked away.

"Y/n... If you hadn't run away and found us, we wouldn't be together. Doesn't that mean you did do something good?" Tko said. He scooted closer to Y/n and placed a hand on her leg, trying to make her happy. She looked at him and forced a smile, holding back tears.

"I-I'm gonna go get some air. I'll be right back, I promise." She said. She stood up and walked out the door, Tko watching her as he sighed.

Y/n walked outside, breathing in the air. She blinked away the tears in her eyes. She looked up at the blue sky, seeing clouds overhead. She sighed.

She noticed a bus seat across the road. It looked identical to the seat she found the day she discovered the mysterious bus.

She ran across the road, towards the seat. She sat down in it, and not even a minute later, the bus pulled up and the doors opened.

"Enjoy your stay?" The faceless bus driver asked in her familiar nonhuman sweet voice. Y/n shrugged and walked up the steps, entering it.

"It was nice for the most part." Y/n said.

"Are you ready to leave?" The driver asked. Y/n frowned. She didn't want to leave Tko, or all of the friends she had made here. Even though she knew that they would inevitably get in trouble, she still wanted to stay.

Y/n was silent for a moment, contemplating whether she wanted to leave or not. After a moment, she finally spoke up.

"Can I just ride around for a while? I just need time to think." Y/n said.

"Of course. Please take a seat." The driver said. Y/n walked to the back, sitting down. She sighed and looked out the window as the bus began driving.

As they were driving, Y/n saw them pass by a familiar pick up truck that was driving towards Tko's house. She let out a sharp gasp, realizing who it was.

"Oh, no." She muttered.

My phone's at 16% so I won't be able to publish another chapter for a while.

Anyways, my next one is another X Reader. And you guessed it. It's yet another Tko x Reader.

Actually, it's another KO x Reader x Tko but he's in it so it counts.

It's titled 'You're Our Shooting Star'. I'm not quite sure I want to publish it yet, though (I probably will).

Once I get more of this book finished, I'll tell you more about it.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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