Chapter Fourteen

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The next day, Tko woke up in his bed next to Y/n. He had started sleeping with her ever since they got together.

He looked up at Y/n, who was sitting up. He noticed she was playing her phone. She had bags under her eyes and looked sleepy.

"Y/n? What's wrong? Are you sick?" Tko placed a hand on her cheek and turned her head towards him.

"No. What makes you think that?" She asked. Her voice wasn't raspy, so she didn't sound sick.

"You don't look so good." Tko said. He looked down at her phone and frowned. "Did you sleep at all last night?"

"U-Uh..." She began stuttering. Tko took the phone away. Y/n gasped. "Hey!"

"Y/n, you look awful. You need to sleep." Tko said as he turned the screen off and dropped her phone onto her pallet.

"I'm fine. I don't see why you're freaking out." Y/n said as she crossed her arms.

"Go look in the mirror and you'll see." Tko said. Y/n groaned and lifted the covers over her head, but didn't lay down. Tko sighed and lifted the other end of the cover and crawled inside. "Y/n, why didn't you sleep last night? Did you not want to? Were you having nightmares?"

"I just... I have nightmares..." Y/n said. She held her knees close against her chest in a ball.

"About what?" Tko asked. Y/n went silent for a moment.

"About... Th-The day I lost..." She couldn't finish her sentence.

"Y/n, it's okay. Everyone loses someone. It's just part of life." Tko said as he grabbed Y/n's hand. "It's not your fault they're gone."

Y/n suddenly burst out crying as she wrapped her arms around Tko. His eyes widened in surprise at the sudden move, but he embraced her as well.

"The memories, the screams, they haunt me every night and no matter what I do, I can't keep them out of my mind! I-I can't forget them! I can barely sleep, and I can't do anything without something reminding me of them! They're ruining my life! I-I can't move on..." Y/n said through sobs and she held Tko close. Tko didn't know what to say. She was so broken over this, and he didn't know how to fix her.

"Y/n... I didn't know it bothered you this much." Tko said as he pulled away. He looked into her eyes.

"It's killing me, Tko. It's been there for years. I don't know what to do. I don't know if there is anything I can do." She said as she began crying more. Tko placed a hand on her cheek, wiping away some of her tears.

"It's okay, Y/n. I'm here for you. It's okay to feel sad about losing your parents." He said. Y/n sniffed.

"Okay..." She pulled the cover off.

"I'm gonna go see if there is any breakfast. You stay here and rest." Tko said as he climbed down the bunk bed. Y/n watched him walk out, then climbed down the bed.

"I don't want to sleep..." She mumbled to herself. She walked into the hallway, and just as she was about to enter the living room, she saw Carol, KO, and Tko watching tv. They all seemed shocked about something. Y/n looked at the tv and gasped.

There, on the screen, was a picture of Y/n. At the bottom of the picture were the words 'missing'. The news reporter began talking.

"The search for Y/n L/n continues as we enter the seventh day of the search. More and more people, including her father, Charles, are beginning to think that she ran away from home instead of been kidnapped. Searches have been spread state wide for her, but people are beginning to give up on her."

Y/n ran into her room and grabbed her book bag. She grabbed all of her stuff and stuffed it in. She opened the window by the beds and jumped out. She then took off running, not looking back.

Carol, KO, and Tko quickly ran into the room, expecting to see Y/n.

"Where did she go?!" Tko looked around. He spotted the wide open window. He looked out it, and sure enough, far in the distance was Y/n, running away. "She's getting away!"

The three ran out of the house and chased after her. She ran into a large crowd, hoping to lose them. As they approached the crowd, people blocked the way.

"What?! What's going on?!" Tko exclaimed.

"It's a parade. Come on!" Carol grabbed the two boys in her arms and began shoving her way through.

They saw Y/n pushing past people and crawling under people to get away. Carol set the two boys down, and Tko immediately ran after her.

"Y/n! Wait!" Tko caught up to her and grabbed her book bag. He pulled it, trying to stop her.

"Let go! I have to leave!" Y/n shouted. She pulled her bag away from him, but he wouldn't let go.

"No! Just wait a minute!" Tko pulled the strap. It suddenly ripped, causing both of them to fall backwards. Y/n gasped. She wasted no time, and stood up. She took off running.

She reached the end of the crowd and saw a road. Remembering the bus and how it was a part of her, she thought quickly and ran towards the road. She stood in the center of it, praying the bus would come.

"Y/n!" Tko shouted. Y/n turned and saw the three running towards her. At the corner of her eye, she saw a blinding light. And then suddenly, she felt a searing pain throughout her body as she blacked out.

"C'mon, Y/n! It's okay!"

"Are you sure it's safe?"

"It's okay. I've got you."



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