Chapter Seven

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Carol pulled up to the school. She stepped out and opened the door for them. They jumped out. Y/n looked around the large school. There were kids everywhere outside of all ages.

"C'mon, Y/n, we'll go get you set up." Carol said as she led her in. Y/n followed. As they walked, Y/n looked back and saw KO and Tko going to meet two other kids, but she couldn't tell who they were.

They walked through the building until they reached a door with a glass window. Carol pushed it open, and walked inside, Y/n behind her. They saw a woman behind a desk, typing on a computer. She looked up, and forced a smile.

"Hello there. I am the school Secretary. Do you need any help?" She said unenthusiasticly.

"Yes. We need a schedule. Y/n here is new, and she wanted to go to school to try it out." Carol said. The secretary raised an eyebrow.

"Y/n? Uh... What's her last name?" She asked.

"L/n. Y/n L/n." Carol said. The secretary's eyes widened a bit.

"Okay... Um..." She typed something into her computer, then handed Y/n a schedule. "Here's your schedule. Enjoy your first day..."

"Thanks." Y/n said as she took it. Carol then led Y/n out, taking her to class. The secretary quickly grabbed her phone and dialed a number in it.

"Hi, yes, uh... I think I found the kidnapped kid..." She said.

Carol waved goodbye. Y/n waved back, watching her exit the building. As Carol left, Y/n heard a loud ringing, signalling class. Kids came running inside, filling the halls in seconds.

Y/n found KO and Tko walking inside, and quickly walked up to them.

"I got my schedule." She said as she handed it to KO. The two boys looked at it.

"Cool! You're gonna have the same class as us! You can sit in between me and Tko so we can both sit by you!" KO said.

"And you'll get to meet our friends." Tko said.

"That's great and all, but... Are there bullies here?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, but they won't mess with you as long as I'm around." He said. Y/n smiled.

"Good. I don't like bullies." Y/n said.

"Then I guess we're gonna have a problem." Someone said from behind. Y/n turned around and saw a girl standing behind her. She had long purple hair, a black hoodie on and dark blue baggy jeans that covered up her black boots.

There was another girl behind her that had a yellow jumpsuit on, blue boots, glasses, and a book bag. She waved. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and waved back.

"Ebony, that's not funny." KO said. The girl named Ebony sighed.

"It never is." She said. She looked at Y/n and smiled. "Anyways, who's the new kid?"

"This is Y/n! She just moved in with us." KO said. Ebony raised an eyebrow.

"Are you, like, related to them or something?" She asked.

"No. I'm just living with them since I don't have any family." Y/n said as she looked down.

"Her parents died recently." KO whispered to Ebony.

"That's terrible. At least you have us now, right?" Ebony smiled at Y/n.

"Right..." Y/n smiled back.

Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would.


Later that day, the five children were sitting in class working when the intercom came on.

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