Chapter Five

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Meanwhile, back in ForstFord...

"Still looking for your kid, Charles?" A lady in the store asked. The man sighed.

"Yep. She still hasn't turned up anywhere. The police are thinking about spreading the search to the next county over. They think she may be there." He said.

"Who do you think kidnapped her?" The lady asked.

"I'm beginning to think she ran away instead. She had a map in her room, marked with all kinds of places. But I don't think she decided on one." The man said.

"That's gonna make finding her a whole lot more difficult..." The lady said as she bagged her groceries.

"I know. But I'm gonna find her..." He said.

"Well, I hope you do. Bye, Charles." The lady walked out.

"And when I do find her, I'm gonna make sure she never leaves that house again..." The man said to himself.

~~~ Back in Lakewood... ~~~

Y/n tapped away on her phone, going through old photos and deleting them. As she scrolled past another one, she stopped and looked at it, hesitating to delete it.

The picture was very old, at least 4 years old. Y/n was only 2-7 years old at the time. The picture showed three people- one man, one woman, and a child. They were sitting down next to each other in what seems like a small garden in the grass. The woman held the smaller version of Y/n close, hugging her while the picture was being taken.

Y/n smiled at the picture, many happy memories coming back to her. She wasn't going to delete this one...

"Whatcha doing?" She felt Tko leaning over her chair. Startled, Y/n gasped and accidently clicked the delete button.

"No, no, no, no!" She cried out in alarm, rapidly tapping the screen even though it was useless.

"What happened?" Tko asked as he raised an eyebrow. Y/n sighed, turning the screen off as she slid her phone into the book bag next to her chair.

"Nothing... I was just looking at some old photos of my parents." She said.

"Why did you scream then?" Tko asked. Y/n groaned in annoyance.

"For someone who hates me, you sure do ask a lot of questions about me." She said.

"I was just curious! Jeez, can't ask a kid who's moving in with us any questions..." Tko said as he began walking away. Y/n sighed.

"Fine, you can ask me one question." Y/n said. Tko smirked, knowing that there had to have been at least one question he could ask that would annoy her.

"What's your parents names? What kind of stuff did they do? Who was your favorite? Which--" Tko was cut off.

"Woah, woah, woah. What kind of question is 'who's your favorite'? And I said one question!" Y/n said. Tko smirked.

"What? Are you afraid to answer the question?" He asked. Y/n frowned.

"No. It's just a dumb thing to ask. I them... Both..." Y/n hesitated to say both.

"So you do have a favorite! Who is it?" Tko asked. Y/n sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Um... Do I have to answer?" She asked. Tko nodded.

"It... It was my mom. She was the best. She was always fun, creative, and... Unique. I loved her." Y/n said as she smiled remembering her mother.

"Oh... Uh..." Tko didn't know what to say. He knew she lost her parents, and out of spite, her wanted to ask her questions about them. But now he felt bad because she seemed like she missed her mother a lot. "I'm... Sorry..." He muttered through his teeth. Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"About what?" She asked.

"I... I didn't mean to make you sad or anything..." He said as he looked down. Y/n chuckled, but there wasn't any happiness in her laughter.

"It's okay. I'm used to people bringing up my mom. Ever since she died, everyone around me who knew her just wasn't the same. She was a really special and unique person, so her death really shook us up." Y/n said. Tko raised an eyebrow.

"'Us'? Who's 'us'? I thought you lost your family, not just your mom." He said. Y/n's eyes widened.

"O-Oh, uh, I meant 'us' as in, my friends and my family's friends..." She said. Tko squinted his eyes as he looked at her, suspicious.

"Are you sure?" He asked. Y/n nodded.

"I-I guess I'm still used to saying 'us' instead of just 'me'..." Y/n said as she laughed sadly. Tko frowned.

"Well... I guess when you lose your parents, it is kind of hard to get used to..." He said. Y/n smiled and leaned against the chair arm, propping her head on her hand on she looked up at him.

"So what about you? Where's your dad?" She asked. Tko shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't have a dad. That's what mom says." He said. Y/n frowned.

"That's terrible. I had a dad before but..." Y/n trailed off.

"But they died?" Tko finished.

"Uh... Yeah..." Y/n sighed. Maybe she could tell him that she was lying.

"You know... You're not that bad. I mean, you're still pretty terrible, just not as bad as I first thought." Tko said as he smiled slightly at her. Y/n chuckled.

"You, too." She said as she playfully punched him.

Maybe she could stay here, where she could have friends.

Aosuebrifnwididjfnj I'm so sorry I haven't really been working on this much I've had serious writer's block and I have no inspiration. But even when I'm not writing, I'm still trying to come up with something to happen next.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed bye!

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