Chapter Ten

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Well, I only got one comment for which one they wanted, so it's Q & A for the cast of 'Not Like She Seems' and 'Black Rose'. If nobody asks anything I'm probably gonna delete it. It's not my best idea for bringing back a book, but it's all I've got. SO SOMEBODY ASK A QUESTION WHEN I PUBLISH IT WHICH WILL BE TODAY PROBABLY SOMETIME AFTER I PUBLISH THIS CHAPTER

As long as it isn't inappropriate.

Anyways, enjoy!

The next day, there was a knock at the door. KO stood up and walked over to the door. He opened it and saw Ebony and Dendy at the door.

"Oh! Hey, girls. What are you doing here?" KO asked.

"We were going out to the city tonight and we wanted to know if you, Tko, and Y/n wanted to come." Ebony said.

"That sounds fun! I'll ask them!" KO said as he turned around. "Oh, you can come in."

The two followed KO inside and saw Y/n and Tko sitting on the couch watching tv.

"You guys! Ebony and Dendy invited us to go to the city with them!" KO said.

"Cool." Y/n said, the two not looking away from their show.

"What's so great about this show that you won't even look at us?" Ebony asked as she looked at the tv. It showed three different colored women and a small boy with a red shirt and a star on it.

"Um, everything!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Right... Anyways, are you gonna come?" Ebony asked.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Just be quiet. The show's getting good." Tko said.

"Are you and Y/n gonna go together?" KO smirked.

"Yes, we're going! Be quiet!" Tko said, not listening to what he said. KO grinned widely.

"As a date?" He asked.

"Yes! Get out if you're gonna keep distracting us!" Tko finally looked at them, not realizing what KO said.

"Haha! I knew you liked her!" KO exclaimed, quickly running out of the room giggling.

"What?" Tko mumbled to himself, confused. He shrugged it off and sat back down next to Y/n.

KO walked outside with Dendy and Ebony.

"What were you talking about 'Tko liking Y/n'?" Ebony asked.

"I'm 99% sure Tko likes Y/n, but he keeps denying it." KO said.

"Maybe he really doesn't like her in that way." Dendy said.

"That wouldn't make sense. He does all these special things for her that he wouldn't do to anyone else. Like he's nicer." KO said.

"He definitely likes her." Dendy said. KO smirked.

"And I'm gonna make sure he admits his feelings to her tonight!" He exclaimed.

Y/n and Tko were inside watching tv. Tko had his head on Y/n's shoulders as they shared a bowl of popcorn.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Y/n asked.

"I don't know. Probably dumb stuff. It doesn't matter." Tko said. He reached into the bowl of popcorn, and suddenly felt a hand under his. He quickly pulled away and looked at Y/n.

"Oh, you big baby." Y/n grabbed his hand, making him tense up as she intertwined her fingers with his. She payed no mind to the fact that Tko was embarrassed and continued watching the show. He slowly got comfortable in her grip, and leaned on her shoulder.

"KO's right. You are nice when you like someone." Y/n smirked.

"What?! He told you that?!" Tko said as he pulled away from Y/n and sat on his knees next to her.

"Yep. Yesterday after you kicked us out." Y/n said.

"He's just trying to get us together because he thinks we'd make a good couple. You don't think that, right?" Tko said. Y/n shrugged.

"I dunno. Maybe we would make a nice couple." Y/n said.

"Y-You actually think we would?" Tko asked.

"Actually, I know we would make a good couple. We get along so well. Even though you're embarrassed every time your crush on me is brought up." Y/n said. Tko blushed.

"I don't have a crush on you!" He exclaimed.

"Tko, I'm not stupid. I know you do. You're so terrible at hiding it that it seems like you're not even trying." Y/n said.

"I-I don't think you're stupid..." He said.

"I know that. I was just trying to make a point." Y/n said.

"So... Do you like me back?" Tko asked as his voice lowered to almost a whisper.

"Uh... I don't know. You are pretty nice, but I've only known you for a few days." Y/n said.

"You've been with us for five days." Tko said.

"That's barely a whole week! Look, we shouldn't rush this. Maybe for now, we're still just friends until the time is right for us to become a couple. If we become a couple." Y/n said. Tko frowned. He sat back down next to Y/n, her taking his hand again.

"If we become a couple..." He mumbled sadly to himself. He had gotten his hopes so high up from what KO said the other day about when they get together, not if. He knew he shouldn't have done it since it didn't actually come from Y/n, but he liked her so much he couldn't help himself.

He just hoped that they did get together soon.

In a few moments I'll be posting the Q & A please go ask some questions if you read the books so that I can bring the series back.

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