Chapter Eighteen

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Tko sighed, watching Y/n walk outside. He didn't know what he was going to do with her.

He didn't know how to fix her. She had experienced very traumatic things, and he could've even begin to imagine what she felt like. Maybe she was permanently broken, unable to be fixed.

Tko shook his head, making the thoughts go away. He was going to help her. He was going to fix her.

Tko heard a vehicle outside. He stood up, confused, and walked outside.

"Y/n?" He looked outside. He let out a sharp gasp when he saw someone other than Y/n.

"Where is she?" Someone asked, his voice boiling with anger.


"Stop! Go back!" Y/n shouted, running up to the driver. They turned to her.

"Why? What is the problem?" They asked.

"I need to go back! Something might happen to Tko!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Is this what you really want? To go back? To face him? He is the reason your life is ruined." The driver said.

"Yes! Just go back! I need to help Tko!" Y/n ordered. The bus driver opened the doors. Y/n looked outside and noticed that they were back, as if they had never left. But she didn't care. She needed to help Tko.

Not even thinking about the fact that she was about to face the thing that ruined her life, she rushed inside. She saw her father, Charles, standing in front of Carol as the two argued. They looked at Y/n.

"Y/n! Where did you go?!" Tko exclaimed, trying to run towards her. Carol held him back.

"Hold up, Tko. Just wait." She said to him. Tko frowned, looking at Y/n. She sensed his fear, his fear that he would lose her.

"Y/n." Charles said. Y/n immediately felt all of her courage drain from her body. He glared at her. "It's time to go. Let's go." He grabbed her arm, trying to drag her out of the house. She jerked her arm away. Losing any control over her own body as anger took over, she yelled,

"No!" She surprised Charles. Even she was surprised at her sudden burst. "I won't let you control me and treat me like I'm nothing anymore! I'm not just some toy you can play with and then abandon like it never mattered in the first place!" Charles chuckled.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've always treated you good." He lied through his teeth. Y/n looked at him, shocked and disgusted he would even dare say that. He knew well that he treated the opposite of good.

"Good? Good? IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU, MOM WOULD STILL BE HERE!" Y/n shouted louder than she knew she could. Charles' eyes widened.

"Me? You're the one who shot her!" He argued.

"You're the one who was drunk and hitting her, making her want to leave! She hated the person you became! She just wanted to get away, to live a better life, to try and make me happy! But you had to go and ruin all because you're stupid and can't realize that everyone hates you!" Y/n snapped at him. "I hate you! I'll never love you! You ruined my life! You took away one of the only thing that made me happy! I HATE YOU!"

Charles was silent for a moment. He didn't know how to reply. He looked down.

"Fine. Hate me. See if I care. I never liked you anyways. You can stay here. I don't care anymore." He turned around and walked out. As the door was shutting, Y/n shouted,

"And never come back!" Her voice cracked as tears filled her eyes. Once the door shut, she fell to her knees, crying.

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her. She looked up to see who was behind her. She saw Tko, who was hugging her tightly. She saw KO walk up and hug her as well, Carol joining the hug.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. That must have been awful for you." Tko said. Y/n sniffed. She squeezed her eyes shut, letting more tears stream down her face as she sobbed.

"We love you, Y/n. We just want you to know that we'll never leave you like he did. We'll always be here for you." Carol said.

"And we'll make sure nothing ever happens to you. We promise." KO added. Y/n wiped her cheek, wiping the tears away.

"Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me." She said.

"You're welcome, Y/n. You'll always be welcome here." Carol said as she pulled away. Y/n looked at Tko, who was smiling at her. Carol smiled at them. "We'll give you two a minute. C'mon, KO."

Carol led KO out of the room, looking at Y/n and Tko one last time. She smiled and exited the room.

Y/n looked back at Tko and gave him a small weak smile. He smiled widely and wrapped his arms around her neck, holding her close. She laughed and hugged him back, feeling tears of joy in her eyes.

"You finally have some to be happy about. I promise you I'll never let anything happen to that happiness." Tko said.

"And I promise I'll never leave you. You're something worth staying around for." Y/n said as she pulled away, her hands on his cheeks. She smiled at him. Tko smiled back, and smashed his lips on hers, kissing her.

Y/n smiled into the kiss, her hands running through his hair. Tko pressed himself against her, closing any gaps between them as he held her sides. Y/n didn't want to pull away. She wished she didn't need to breathe so she could stay like this forever.

Tko turned his head slightly, trying to make the kiss more passionate. They broke apart for a short moment, trying to catch their breath as they continued to kiss.

They stayed like that for another moment before the kiss finally ended. Y/n stared intently into his eyes.

"I love you, Tko..." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. Tko smiled, leaning close as he kissed her cheek.

"I love you, too, Y/n..." He said as moved to her lips, kissing her once again.

Y/n never knew that a mysterious bus that was part of her heart and imagination would lead her here. I guess you could say that her heart was the ride home...

The End.


Also you will not believe how embarrassed I was writing that kiss scene, knowing a bunch of people are gonna be reading it and judging it.

But yeah I loved this story and my next one better be as good as it...

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