Chapter Nine

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So I'm not sure where this is going right now. I haven't planned this chapter so it'll probably be short and crappy.

Also, for bringing back 'Not Like She Seems', someone suggested a oneshot book for scenarios that could've happened in the story. I also though maybe a Q & A would be kind of cool. So which is it? You wanna oneshot book or a Q & A?

You should probably know I've never done oneshots and I'm not good at making short stories. And the Q & A thing might not work out if nobody comments.

Anyways, that's all. Enjoy!

"Are you sure we should be doing this? What if he wakes up?" KO asked as he made sure not to fall off the chair he was standing on while letting Y/n sit on his shoulders. She reached over the bunk bed protection bars.

"He won't! We'll be fine! Just don't trip or make any noises." Y/n said as she shook a bottle of strawberry scented hair spray. She began spraying Tko's hair while grinning.

Y/n took two pony tails and carefully tied Tko's hair into pig tails. She pulled out red lipstick they 'borrowed' from Carol, and she put it on him. She then drew a mustache with it for fun.

"Okay, I'm done." Y/n whispered to KO. He set her down on the floor. She grabbed her phone and looked at the time. Tko was just about to wake up. "Go, go, go, go!" She pushed KO out of the room while holding back laughs as the two ran away.

They sat down on the couch in the living room, and waited for Tko.

"Do you think he'll know it was us?" KO asked.

"Who else would've done it?" Y/n asked.

"Good point." KO said. They heard someone walking down the hallway into another room. "He went in the bathroom! He's gonna see it in the mirror!"

"I know! I can't wait to see his reaction." Y/n smiled. The two suddenly heard Tko's voice from the bathroom.

"What the-- Who did this?!" He came running into the living room. KO burst out laughing at Tko's look, Y/n doing the same. "What did you two do?!" Tko shouted, pulling his hair.

"What's going on in-- Oh, my goodness!" Carol covered her mouth, hiding her laughter.

"Look at what they did to me! I smell like strawberries!" Tko exclaimed.

"You certainly do." Carol said, smiling. "Go take a shower and clean yourself off, or that smell will stick forever."

"What?! No!" Tko quickly turned and stormed out of the room, going to clean himself. Carol turned to KO and Y/n.

"Will it actually stick?" KO asked.

"Nah. I was just playing." Carol said. "You kids should probably get ready for the day, too."

"Are we going somewhere?" Y/n asked.

"Not that I know of. But maybe we will go somewhere if we need to. You should still get ready just in case." Carol said. The two nodded and stood up, going to their room.

A few moments later, the door to the bathroom opened and Tko came out wearing his usual black shirt and shorts. He glared at the two.

"Hey, there, Tko. You like the make over I gave you?" Y/n said as walked up to him, smirking.

"No!" Tko growled. Y/n smirked.

"Aw, it wasn't that bad." She said as she petted his hair. "Woah, your hair's soft."

"That's cause he uses some special conditioner." KO said.

"KO!" Tko yelled, blushing.

"Aw, no need to be ashamed. Makes your hair soft and smell good." Y/n said as she smelled it, making his face turn a darker shade of red.

"Yeah, whatever." Tko said as he pushed her away.

"I bet he started using it more so you'd like him." KO smirked. Y/n chuckled, her face turning a bit pink as well.

"I bet he does." She said. Tko growled.

"That is not true." He said.

"Who else do you use it for? Dendy? Ebony? You don't like either of them, so that just leaves Y/n." KO said.

"Can't I just use conditioner without people thinking it's for them?!" Tko exclaimed.

"No, you can't! It's for me now!" Y/n laughed as she squeezed Tko in her arms.

"No! It's mine! Get off!" Tko shouted as he pulled against her grip.

"Never! I'll steal your conditioner, then we'll see just how nice your hair really is!" Y/n laughed.

"No!" Tko tried to pull her arms off, but she just tightened her grip. Tko began kicking his legs around, causing her to slip and fall.

Y/n landed on the ground underneath Tko. She looked up at him. Tko was frozen, staring into her eyes.

"Now kiss!" KO said, breaking his trance.

"What?! No! Stop telling us to kiss! It's not like that!" Tko said as he stood up, Y/n following him.

"Uh huh. Sure." KO smirked.

"Yeah, Tko. I saw how you looked at me." Y/n grinned as she elbowed his arm.

"Whatever. Just get out." Tko said as he pushed the two out and shut the door.

"We know your secrets, Tko!" Y/n playfully said in a dark voice as she banged on the door. She looked at KO and laughed. "C'mon, let's go watch some tv."

The two walked into the living room, leaving Tko in his room, who was smiling at Y/n's little jokes.

"Sure, you know my little secret..." He mumbled to himself.

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