Chapter Four

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I've got writer's block and I'm struggling to come up with this chapter...

Y/n woke up the next morning hearing whispers from other children. She kept her eyes closed, listening. It was wrong, but her curiosity got the best of her.

"Tko, you're gonna make her mad." The familiar voice from KO said quietly.

"She won't be able to do anything about it. Now stop crying, it's gonna be funny." Tko said.

"No, it won't. You're gonna hurt her." KO said. She heard Tko punch him.

"Did that hurt?" He asked.

"Yes!" KO exclaimed quietly.

"Really?" Tko said, not believing him.

"Well... Not really. But that's because you didn't hit me very hard!" KO said.

"So this isn't gonna hurt. I just wanna see her reaction. It'll be funny." Tko said.

"Well... I guess it would be kind of funny... But won't it be kind of mean to wake her up? She's had rough couple of days. Maybe we should let her rest." KO said.

"But what if she dies in her sleep and we never find out? How will you feel, knowing we could've woken her up, but didn't and she died?" Tko said. Y/n could literally hear Tko's smirk. KO gasped.

"N-No! Fine! Do it!" He said.

Seconds later, Y/n felt a figure looming over her. She felt something poke her cheek. She quickly slapped it away, her eyes open now. She glared at Tko, who was looking down at her as well as KO.

"That wasn't very funny." KO said.

"I'm not done." Tko smirked. He began poking Y/n in the face, trying to annoy her. She began flailing her hands about, trying to smack his hands away. "Haha! You annoyed yet?"

"No. You're just kind of bothering me." Y/n said as she lifted the covers over her face to protect herself.

"What? C'mon! That always works with the others!" Tko groaned in annoyance.

"Others?" Y/n removed the cover, looking at Tko.

"Well, not really 'others'. Just Enid, Rad, and sometimes Dendy when she's spending the night over." Tko said. "Why do you care?"

"I was just curious." Y/n said as she turned over, trying to go back to sleep. She heard KO sit down on the floor next to her pallet.

"So, Y/n, where was your old home? What kind of stuff did you do before you came here?" He asked. Y/n sighed and opened her eyes.

"I lived about a half an hour away from a town called ForstFord. It's a small town, and it's very far away from here. You've probably never heard of it." Y/n said.

"Nope, never heard of it!" KO said. Y/n sat up, trying to think of something that wouldn't give too much about her away.

"We had a farm out in a field. Well, my parents did. I was more of a city kind of person, more into electronics and heroes and POW Cards. But that was before..." Y/n trailed off, trying to explain her story without blowing her cover.

"Before...?" Tko asked. Y/n noticed that she had caught his attention. He was sitting down on the other side of her pallet, listening to her story.

"Before I lost my parents. Yeah. You know, cause they died." Y/n said.

"How did they die?" Tko asked. Y/n looked down.

"Uh... Car accident." She said. But it was a lie. Probably the biggest one she's ever told.

"What were their names?" KO asked.

"Look, I don't wanna talk about this. Isn't there anything else you'd like to know about me?" Y/n asked. KO thought for a moment.

"Yes! Can you work with us at the bodega?" KO asked. Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"At that store I met you in? I don't know..." Y/n said.

"Come on! Please? It'll be fun!" KO said.

"Maybe for you. But it's going to be a nightmare to me." Tko said as he crossed his arms. Y/n huffed.

"You're not that great either." She said.

"Well will you at least go to school with us and meet our friends?" KO asked. Y/n sighed. She did need to go to school to learn.

"Fine. I'll go to school. Maybe if that works out, I might start working with you. But you'll need to give me time." Y/n said. KO smiled and hugged Y/n.

"Yay! You're gonna love our friends! They're all so great!" KO said.

"Who all are you talking about? There's only two, not counting Enid and Rad." Tko said.

"I know. And she's going to love them." KO said.

"Right..." Y/n mumbled. She was worried someone might recognize her. She couldn't have that, or else she would have to go back. She didn't want to go back to that nightmare-ish place.

"Kids! Breakfast!" Carol called.

"Oh! C'mon, Y/n!" KO pulled Y/n up, leading them out.

'I just hope they don't recognize me...' Y/n thought.

This chapter was shorter than usual thanks a lot writer's block.

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