Chapter Eleven

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yEs mY gIrL eLeVeN

"You gotta get ready! You can't go in your pajamas!" KO laughed. Y/n groaned.

"Why not? They're clothes, aren't they?" Y/n asked.

"C'mon! It's not that bad." KO said. "You can wear your favorite hoodie if you want."

"My favorite hoodie?" Y/n raised an eyebrow as she walked over to KO. He handed her a f/c hoodie. "Oh... This..."

"What is it?" KO asked.

"It's an old hoodie my dad got me. I don't wanna wear it. I don't even know why I brought it with me. I'll just wear some casual clothes." Y/n said as she threw the hoodie across the room. It landed in a corner.

She grabbed a black t-shirt, blue jeans and her socks and shoes and changed in the bathroom. She walked out a moment later and saw KO and Tko waiting in the living room.

"Are you ready?" KO asked.

"Yep. When are we leaving?" Y/n asked.

"Ebony and Dendy should be here any second to pick us up." KO said. Right after that, as if on cue, there was a knock at the door. KO walked over to it and opened it. He saw Ebony and Dendy, who was dressed in fancy clothes.

"What's with the getup?" Y/n asked. KO grinned.

"It's a double date! You and Tko are going together, Ebony and Dendy are going as friends and I'm like the third wheel." KO said.

"Me and Tko? As a couple?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah! After all, Tko said you guys would go as a couple." KO said.

"I never said that!" Tko exclaimed.

"Actually, you did. You just didn't realize it." Dendy said. Y/n sighed.

"It's fine. We'll go together. I'm not wearing anything fancy though." Y/n said.

"That's fine with us! Come on!" KO grabbed Y/n's wrist and led her to a van that would be driving the group into the city.

They climbed inside and sat down in the back. The van started up and began driving.

On the way there, Ebony spoke up.

"Are you two dating?" She asked. Y/n and Tko looked at each other, their faces light shades of pink. Y/n laughed a bit.

"Nope. We're only friends." Y/n said.

"Friends with benefits, I imagine." Dendy joked.

"Yeah. I bet ten technos you two will kiss tonight." KO said.

"I'll take that bet." Ebony smirked.

"Guys, stop." Y/n said, trying to hide her laughter. Tko was blushing madly, not making eye contact with anyone.

The van suddenly came to a stop. Ebony's eyes lit up.

"We're here!" She jumped up and opened the van doors, jumping out. They thanked the driver, Mr. Universe, and made their way into the city.

"Woah..." KO said in awe as they looked around the city. The lights coming from the sky scrapers lit up the night sky, and the sound of cars filled the air.

"This is awesome!" Y/n exclaimed, smiling widely.

"Have you never been in a city at night?" Tko asked. Y/n looked down, rubbing her arm nervously.

"N-No. We lived out in a field away from town, and the town was miles and miles from any big city." She said. She felt Tko grab her hand.

"Well now you'll have a great first experience." He said as he smiled at her. Y/n smiled back, intertwining her fingers with his.

"C'mon, lovebirds. I wanna go up there." Ebony pointed to the top of a tall building that reached high into the sky.

"Up there?" Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah! My mom, who just so happened to be a powerful hero and is rich, rented the whole top of the building for us." Ebony said.

"Just the top of the building?" Tko asked.

"Yeah, it's where the view is." Ebony said. She began walking towards the building. "Come on, guys!"

Ebony walked inside the building, KO and Dendy following. Y/n looked at Tko.

"Well, are you going?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah..." Tko pulled Y/n closer. He smiled slightly. "I just wanted to take a more... Fun way."

"Fun way?" Y/n raised an eyebrow. Before she could say anything, Tko picked her up bridal style and jumped into the air, flying. Y/n gasped and wrapped her arms around Tko, holding him tight.

She felt the wind whipping as they went up high in the sky. She squeezed her eyes shut, hiding her face in his shirt.

"You're not gonna fall." She heard Tko say. She slowly opened one eye and looked up at him.

"A-Are you sure?" She stuttered.

"I've got you." Tko smiled warmly. Y/n smiled back slightly and opened her other eye, looking up at the sky.

They landed on the top of the building, where there was a balcony going all the way around the top of the building. Ebony, Dendy, and KO hadn't gotten up there yet.

"Was that scary? Flying for the first time?" Tko asked. Y/n chuckled, breathing a sigh of relief as she leaned on the rail.

"Definitely. I don't understand how you're okay with flying though the air, the possibility of falling any second." Y/n said.

"Meh. You get used to it after a while." Tko said as he leaned on the rail next to her. "But... Was it fun?"

"Yeah. It was definitely a more fun way." Y/n said. She pulled a strand of hair behind her ear and looked at him.

"What do you think is taking them so long?" Tko asked as he looked at the door that led inside the building. Y/n shrugged.

"Maybe the elevator is jammed and they're stuck in there, screaming for help but nobody can hear them." She laughed, trying to scare him.

"Oh please. They're probably just distracted by something inside." He rolled his eyes.

"Probably." Y/n mumbled. She looked down at the cars far below them. "Do you think maybe KO was right? That we should get together?"

"You're asking someone who wants to get with you that? I'm obviously gonna say yes." Tko said. Y/n laughed.

"Yeah, I guess I didn't think about that. But... It's probably gonna be boring with me. I'm all sad and messed up over my parents' deaths." Y/n laughed sadly. Tko grabbed her shoulders and turned her towards him.

"That's not true. You're really fun to be around. I'm sure you are sad, but you can't let the past hold you back. You should move on, try and restart." Tko's hands moved down to her sides as he pulled her closer. "And I'll be with you the whole time..."

"Tko, I can't just forget about what happened just like that. If you knew the full story, you'd understand." Y/n said.

"So tell me the full story. I want to help you." Tko said. Y/n sighed.

"I-I don't know..." Y/n said. Tko wrapped his arms around her, pulling so close their face was mere inches apart.

"It's okay, Y/n. I'm here for you." He leaned in, Y/n doing the same as their eyes shut. She felt her lips meet his as he kissed her. She knew Tko was soft inside, but she didn't know he was this soft.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. She never wanted this moment to end.

From behind the door that led inside the building stood KO, Dendy, and Ebony, who were watching the two through the window in the door.

"Here." Ebony laughed as she handed KO a handful of technos.

"Yes!" KO giggled as he looked at the two outside.

Y/n pulled away from Tko and looked up at him.

"So does this mean we're a couple?" Tko asked. Y/n smiled as she pulled Tko into a hug. She laid her head down on his chest.

"Yeah. I guess it does." She said.

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