Chapter Six

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I have writer's block and I can't write anything, and this book's been affected the most.

I'm really trying my hardest to write in this book. Yes, I've been taking breaks and not trying to force myself to write.

Hopefully after I write this chapter, the writer's block will go away and I can write more.

Anyways I'm gonna end this note here so people won't complain. Enjoy.

"KO! Tko! Time to get up!" Their mother called. The two boys sat up, tired. Tko rubbed his eyes and stretched out. He looked over his bed and saw Y/n sleeping soundly on her pallet. He smiled slightly and crawled out of his bed.

The two walked out of their room and into the living room, where they saw their mother cooking breakfast.

"Hey, boys! Is Y/n up?" Carol asked.

"Good morning to you, too..." Tko crossed his arms and sat on the couch. Carol rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Good morning. Is Y/n up?" She asked again.

"She's still asleep. Why?" KO asked as he sat down next to his brother.

"I just thought maybe she'd want to go to school with you two. Maybe it'd help her move on from her loss..." Carol said as she handed them each a plate of food.

"She probably just needs time away from people. You can't force her to try and move on the way you think is best. Just leave her here." Tko said. Carol sighed and sat down next to the two.

"Maybe you're right. I just want her to feel like she's at home..." She said.

"Maybe she already does. Maybe she wants to make more friends. She was pretty open to us." KO said. Carol smiled at him.

"Maybe..." Carol said. She suddenly heard someone walk into the living room. They turned and saw Y/n walking in, still half asleep. She plopped down on the couch next to Tko, falling asleep on his shoulder. He blushed and nudged her off. She groaned, not ready to wake up as she turned over. "Looks like someone's not ready to get up..." Carol smiled as she stood up and walked into the kitchen to make Y/n some breakfast.

"I bet Y/n likes you." KO whispered to his brother as he gave him a smug look. Tko punched his shoulder.

"Ya nasty!" He shoved him. KO laughed as he fell over. "It's not like that." Tko crossed his arms.

"Mhm, sure." KO smirked at his brother. Tko blushed and looked away.

Tko saw Y/n tossing and turning in her sleep, but didn't question it. He figured she was just having trouble getting comfortable.

He shook her awake, and her eyes flew open as she gasped. He quickly pulled his hand away, startled. She sat up and looked around. A sigh of relief escaped her lips.

"Are you okay?" Tko asked.

"I... I'm fine. I just had a nightmare..." Y/n said. She held her head in pain.

"Was it scary?" Tko asked.

"Why would I call it a nightmare if it weren't scary?" She said. Tko shrugged.

Carol walked up with a plate of food. She handed it to Y/n.

"Sorry I took so long. The food got cold." She said as she took KO and Tko's plates.

"It's fine." Y/n said. She looked down at the plate of food and sighed. She liked the food, but she didn't want to eat anything at the moment.

She set it down on the table and leaned back on the couch, closing her eyes as she sighed.

"So, Y/n... I was wondering..." Carol began as she sat next to Y/n. Y/n opened her eyes and looked up at Carol. "Did you want to go to school with KO and Tko?"

"Uh... Do I have to?" Y/n asked.

"Do you not like school?" KO asked.

"I'm fine with school, it's just the kids I don't like. And the teachers. They all bullied me for being different." Y/n said. That wasn't all they bullied her about, but she wasn't about to tell them her secret.

"Well we'll make sure you don't get bullied. You can make new friends and fit in here, and we'll be with you the whole time." KO said. Y/n sighed.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and make new friends..." She said as smiled at the two boys.

"Good. You should go get dressed. We'll be in here when you're done." Carol said as patted Y/n's back. Y/n walked into the next room and grabbed her book bag.

She spilled the contents onto her pallet. Clothes fell out, a flashlight, a few dollars and technos, and a photo. She frowned and grabbed the photo. She flipped it over, looking at it.

It showed a younger version of Y/n hugging a woman, both of them laughing as the woman fell over. Y/n breathed in sharply as a memory played through her mind.

"Go to your mom, Y/n. I wanna get a good picture before we leave." Charles smiled at Y/n. The small child, barely even four years old, looked at her mother and ran over to her. She jumped into her mother's arms.

"I'm gonna fall over if you keep doing that, Y/n." She said.

"But it's fun!" Y/n said.

"I'm sure it is." Her mom chuckled. Y/n hugged her mom, laughing. Her mom hugged her back.

"Hold that pose!" Charles said as he held the camera up to her face.

"You'd have to be pretty fast to capture a real smile." Y/n's mom said. Charles scoffed.

"I'm fast!" He exclaimed.

"You're slow, Daddy." Y/n said. Charles rolled his eyes, smiling, as he looked through the lense of the camera. Y/n hugged her mother, laughing once more. Her mom tripped and fell, laughing as she squeezed Y/n closely. Charles caught the moment on camera, the sound of the click playing through Y/n's mind as the flash ended the memory.

Y/n sniffed, wiping the tears off her face. She turned the picture over and set it down, making sure she couldn't see it.

She sighed and grabbed some clothes and went to change, getting ready for her first day at her new school.

I finally got some inspiration after all that time (it feels like it's been years since I wrote in this book)

Yep so you wouldn't understand it yet because you haven't read far enough into the story, but this is really starting to seem more and more like my other book 'Not Like She Seems'.

Guess I've done dried my imagination of good ideas.

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