Chapter Fifteen

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"C'mon, Y/n! It's okay!"

"Are you sure it's safe?"

"It's okay. I'm sure."



It played over and over again. She couldn't wake up from it. It was like a broken record.

"We have to call her father. He needs to know she's here." A nurse said. Y/n tensed up at this. She needed to get away. But she was trapped in her dream, unable to awake from it.

"But what if there is a reason she ran away from home that we don't know about? What if she doesn't want him here? Why else would she run away from him?" She heard Carol's voice.

"And what if that isn't the reason? Look, ma'am, I know you care about her, but just think about how the father feels. He could be heart broken right now." The nurse said. Carol sighed. Y/n heard foot steps as the left the room. Everything was silent besides the repeating dream.

"Y/n? Can you hear me?" She heard Tko. She wanted so badly to show him that she could, but she couldn't move. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't know you ran away from home. There must be so much more going on in your life if it caused you to run away from home."

She heard him sniff, and that immediately broke her heart. He was so upset and sad about it, when all he wanted was for her to be happy with him. And now something had happened to her. She didn't even know what. But she wished it never did, because now they were here.

"Okay..." The nurse's voice filled the room as her and Carol walked in. "I think we can wake her up now. I'm sure she's ready."

Seconds later, Y/n felt a searing pain in her arm, knowing she was getting a shot. A moment after that, she gasped as her eyes opened.

"Y/n!" Tko exclaimed. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. Y/n groaned and held her head in pain. She noticed that wires were attached to her wrist, and she had bandaid like tape on in certain spots.

"What... What happened?" She asked, her voice raspy.

"You were hit by a car when you were in the middle of the road..." Tko said. Y/n sat up, groaning in pain.

"I have to leave..." She said.

"W-What? No. You have to stay here. You're hurt." Tko said as he tried to push her back down.

"N-No! You don't understand! I need to leave!" Y/n raised her voice.

"Y/n... Why? Why do you need to leave? Why don't I understand?" Tko asked.

"I can't tell you! But I need to leave! I don't want to go back with him! I don't want to go back there! That's not my home! I'm not going back!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Y/n. You lied to us. You lied to me. You said your parents died but your dad is alive! You have to tell me what you're hiding! Why are you keeping it a secret from me?" Tko said. Y/n crossed her arms and turned over in her bed, not looking at them. "C'mon, Y/n! It's okay!"

Y/n let out a sharp gasp. That was exactly what she said, right before the accident.

"No! I'm not gonna do it! I won't do it! I made a mistake once and now it's all my fault! I can't talk about! I don't want to! Just leave me alone!" Y/n said, her eyes stinging from holding back tears.

"What are you talking about? What mistake? You can tell me." Tko said. Y/n turned and faced him, and he noticed she was crying.

"No, I can't! It's all my fault! I don't want to bring it up! Just... Just get out!" Y/n yelled as she pointed at the door. Tko sighed.

"Fine. But I'm here when you're ready to talk." Tko said. The three exited the room, leaving Y/n alone in the silence.

As soon as she was alone, she ripped the wires off and jumped up out of bed. She grabbed the clothes that were on the table across the room and changed into the them. They were a grey short sleeve shirt and grey jogging pant.

She then grabbed the only food in the room, an energy bar, and stuffed it in her pocket. She opened the window and looked out. She was on one of the lower floors of the hospital thankfully.

She crawled out and leaped to the ground. There were cars everywhere, signalling Y/n that there were lots of people and she had to be careful not to get caught, especially not by a cop.

She took off running through the parking lot, feeling an intense pain in her body, but she kept going.

Back in the hospital, the nurse was walking back into the room only to notice Y/n wasn't there. She gasped, quickly running out.

"She's escaped!" The nurse yelled as she ran down the hall, hoping to catch anyone's attention. Carol, KO, and Tko heard, and ran into the room.

"Oh, no. We've gotta find her. She's hurt, so who knows what might happen to her." Tko said.

"C'mon, let's go." Carol said as she led them outside. They got into the vehicle, Carol starting it. They drove out of the parking lot, starting their search for Y/n.


Y/n stuck her thumb out as she walked down the road, signalling drivers that she needed a lift. Nobody stopped.

Her chest was killing her from the pain. She felt like she was going to collapse any minute now.

She pulled out her energy bar, the only thing she had to eat, and opened it. She began eating it, watching the cars drive by without stopping for her.

She had been walking for a while now. Probably an hour. She knew she was a ways away from the hospital because now she couldn't even see the city. It was just one long road for a mile or two.

She wished that bus would come. It was a part of her. Shouldn't she be able to summon it whenever? Or did it just come in the most dire of situations?

Wasn't this a dire situation? Wasn't that last time a dire situation? She got hit by a car and that wasn't good enough? Seeing that mysterious bus must be a once in a life time opportunity because it never came when she needed it most.

Y/n felt another sharp pain in her chest, much worse than before, and she fell to the ground. She couldn't take it anymore.

"Don't go to sleep..." She whispered to herself. She didn't want the memories to come back.

As she closed her eyes, she saw a vehicle stop and the door open. Someone ran up to her.

"Y/n! It's okay. I've got you. You're safe now." A familiar voice said as they wrapped their arms around her, holding her close. "You're safe now."


And my phone is dying so I won't be able to publish another chapter.

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