Chapter Sixteen

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Oof I gotta try to write a kiss scene again but this time it has to be better than the last ones and ahhhh I can't write kiss scenes very well

"We're gonna go get some food for her. You stay here just in case she wakes up, okay?"


Y/n's head throbbed with pain as she woke up. She heard the two people talking, then a door open and close. She groaned, trying to sit up as she opened her eyes.

"Y/n!" Tko exclaimed, wrapping his arms around her, hugging her tightly. "You scared me. You can't just run off like that." He said as he pulled away and placed his hands on her cheeks.

"We're not back at the hospital, are we?" Y/n asked.

"No. Mom thought it would be best to bring you home since you didn't want to be at the hospital. But we've gotta keep it a secret or else they'll find you." Tko said. Y/n placed a hand over his.

"I'm... Sorry... I didn't mean for all of this to happen. I-I just wanted a new home... Away from... Him..." Y/n said.

"Who's him? Is it your dad?" Tko asked. Y/n nodded, already feeling tears in her eyes.

"He... He became... Abusive... After my mom d-died..." Y/n said. Tko's eyes widened in surprise.

"H-He hurt you? Is that why didn't want to talk about it?" Tko asked. Y/n sniffed and nodded.

"B-But that's not all..." She said, her voice cracking. "M-My mom died because... Because she was... Shot..."

"He killed your mom?!" Tko exclaimed. Y/n shook her head.

"N-No... I killed her..." She said. Tko gasped, shocked. He went silent. He didn't know what to say.

"Y-You... You killed your own mom?" He stuttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I-I didn't mean to! I was little! I didn't know what to do!" Y/n exclaimed, tears pouring down her face. "She wanted to leave my dad because he was becoming more strict, drinking more alcohol. She was going to take me with her, b-but..."

"But what?" Tko asked.

"My dad found us packing. I hid in the closet, where he kept his gun. He was... Hitting mom. I found the gun and pointed it at him. B-But my aim was off, and..." Y/n trailed off.

"And you shot her..." Tko finished. Y/n nodded. She choked on her sobs as more tears streamed down her face. Tko pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry that happened to you. You were probably so, so little, and scared. You don't deserve that kind of life. And now you're haunted by the past."

"E-Every night... The same memory plays... The screams she let out... The arguments... The gun shot... Over and over..." Y/n said. Tko pulled away and wiped her tears away.

"It's okay, Y/n. I've got you now. I'll never let anything happen to you ever again. I'll keep you safe, and make sure you move on and live the life you deserve." He said. Y/n sighed.

"Tko..." She wiped a stray tear. "I-I love you..." Tko smiled softly.

"I love you, too..." He said. He pulled Y/n close and kissed her cheek. He felt Y/n's arms wrap around his sides as she held him close.

He pressed his lips against hers, turning his head ever so slightly. His hand ran through her silky hair, his other hand on her back. He felt Y/n's hands move down to his sides as she pressed herself against him.

They pulled apart a few seconds later and looked into each other's eyes. Tko smiled.

"Y/n, I promise, I'll protect you." He said. Y/n leaned her head on his shoulder, staying close to him.

"Thank you, Tko..." She mumbled, closing her eyes.

And for the first time in years, the memory did not play.


Charles set the phone down after the call ended. He grabbed his keys and ran outside, going to his truck.

He opened the door and sat down in the drivers seat. He started up the truck and pulled out of the drive way, driving away.

He had just gotten a call from a hospital that they had found Y/n, and that she was hurt.

He had to hurry if he was going to get her. She may tell someone about him being strict, and then he would get in trouble. He couldn't have that.

He needed to get her away from people.

Well this chapter was much shorter than usual but that's what happens when I have wRITER'S BLOCK.

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