Chapter Two

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h/l = Hair Length
h/c = Hair color
y/h = Your height

Y/n woke up the next morning, feeling her phone vibrate in her book bag. She opened her eyes and saw the bus was still driving. She looked out a window and saw a large field, much bigger than the one at her house.

She opened her bag and pulled her phone out. She saw it had received an Amber Alert. Confused, she read the details.

AGE: 6-11

"Abducted? Where did they get that?" Y/n frowned. She figured they probably thought she was kidnapped when she disappeared.

She remembered that the bus hadn't stopped yet. She figured it probably would have last night.

"Excuse me? Ma'am? Or sir?" Y/n asked as she stood up and walked up to the driver. The bus was driving so smoothly it shocked Y/n. There were no bumps at all and felt as if they were flying. But it was a normal bus. At least, to her knowledge it was.

"Yes?" The bus driver asked. Y/n noticed they were still looking out the window, but driving perfectly fine.

"Um... When's my stop?" Y/n asked.

"Whenever your heart is ready." They said.

"Okay, what's up with you? Why do you keep bringing up my heart? And why won't you look at me?" Y/n asked.

"Because in your heart is what you truly want. Do you want off?" They asked, dodging her questions.

"I want to know why you won't look at me! Who are you? What's your name? Why won't you just show me your face?!" Y/n raised her voice. The driver suddenly turned to her, startling Y/n. Her eyes grew wide in shock as she got a good look at her face.

It was all white, no mouth, no nose, no eyes, nothing. And her hair was the exact same as Y/n's.

"You wish to know who I am? I am you. I am your feelings, your emotions. I am your heart. Only I know what you truly want, but I cannot tell you. You must find it yourself." They said. Y/n stepped back in fear.

"W-What is this?" She stuttered.

"This is the bus that drives people to their hearts. This is the bus that takes you to the thing you want the most. Once you enter it, you cannot leave until you know the things you want and the place you want to be at." They said. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

"W-Well I want off." She said.

"I am afraid I cannot do that." The driver said.

"Well then... Take me somewhere I can fit in, somewhere I can start over. I want to make some friends, and find new people to live with." Y/n said.

"Is this truly what you want?" They asked.

"Yes! Shouldn't you know that?" Y/n said.

"I do. I am just making sure that you know." The driver said. "Please take a seat for the drive."

Y/n walked back to her seat and plopped down. She looked out the window, expecting a field, but now saw woods so thick you couldn't see past the first couple of trees. She furrowed her eyebrows, confused, but shrugged it off. She closed her eyes. Not even a full minute later, the bus driver spoke up.

"We are here." They said. Y/n's eyes widened, surprised. Weren't they just in the woods? She looked out the window and saw a large parking lot in front of a building.

She grabbed her stuff and walked to the door of the bus. It opened, and she stepped down. The parking lot was full of cars, and people were wandering around the building. She turned back to the bus.

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