Chapter Three

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"I'm so excited! I'll get to have a friend over and you'll get to live with me!" KO exclaimed. He had been going on and on about Y/n staying with them ever since he found out.

"How long are you staying with us?" Tko asked. Y/n looked at him, surprised. This was the first time he had spoke to her besides saying 'hey'.

"Oh... I don't know... I planned on living in this town... At least until I find another place to stay... I can't live here forever..." Y/n said.

"No, you can't." Tko said as he crossed his arms. Y/n could already tell he was going to be hard to get along with.

"Mommy!" KO exclaimed from across the room. Tko looked and saw his mother, Carol, walking into the store. She scooped up KO and held him like a baby.

"Hey, there, KO! How was your day at work?" Carol asked.

"It was great! I made a new friend! Her name's Y/n!" KO said. He jumped out of his mother's arms and ran over to Y/n, Carol following.

"Hey there! I'm Carol, KO and Tko's mother!" She smiled at Y/n and shook her hand.

"Hi..." Y/n said.

"Mommy, can she stay with us? She doesn't have a home and needs one!" KO said. Carol's eyes widened slightly.

"You're homeless?" She asked. Y/n chuckled and rubbed her arm nervously.

"Yeah... I came here hoping to find a place to stay..." She said. Carol smiled.

"Well of course you can stay with us! I'm very happy to be able to help you!" She said. Y/n smiled back.

"Thanks..." She muttered.

"Well we've got to head home. I've gotta set a bed up for Y/n. C'mon, you three." Carol said as she waved to the others, walking out with the children.

The three crawled into the backseat, buckling up. Y/n say uncomfortably in between KO and Tko. KO was looking at POW Cards and Tko was looking out with window, listening to his music.

"So, Y/n..." Carol spoke up, catching Y/n's attention. She looked up at Carol through the front mirror. "Where do you come from?"

"The country. Me and my parents were powerless people. We were called 'weird', 'different', 'unadapted'. When my parents died, and I was left with nothing, I had to look around for a place to stay. I eventually ended up here." Y/n said. That was all a lie. Her parents didn't die. She just ran away because she couldn't deal with some of the things that were happening there.

"How long have you been looking?" Carol asked, her eccentric voice calming into a more sad one.

"Couple days. I just left my old town a couple days ago." Y/n said. Carol frowned.

"Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry. You just lost your parents. Are you okay?" She said.

"I'm fine. Don't apologize. It's not your fault. It's okay. As long as I have a home, I'm happy." Y/n said as she smiled. Carol smiled back.

"That's good. Because now you have one!" She said as the vehicle came to a stop.

"I do? It couldn't be your house, right? I mean, I'm just staying here until I find another place." Y/n said.

"You can live here if you want! As long as you're happy, I'm okay with it!" Carol said. She got out of the car, he children following. She looked at their house.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be--" Y/n was cut off.

"I'm sure. You can stay here for as long as you want. This is your home for as long as you want it to be." Carol said. She gently pushed Y/n towards the door. "C'mon, we can get your bed set up."

"Right..." Y/n said, following Carol inside. Not far behind were KO and Tko, who were talking.

"I think she's really nice! But it's kinda of sad that she just lost her parents..." KO said. Tko shrugged.

"Just as long as she doesn't annoy me, I'm fine." He said.

"Oh, c'mon! You don't think she's even the littlest bit nice?" KO asked.

"No. What's nice about her? She's just some random girl mooching off others for their stuff. How do we know she's not gonna rob us?" Tko said.

"You always jump to conclusions. Why don't you try to get to know her? Maybe she's like you. C'mon!" KO grabbed Tko's wrist and ran inside, dragging him to Y/n.

They found her in their shared room with Carol. They were setting up a pallet.

"What?! She can't sleep on the couch?!" Tko exclaimed.

"Well, I tried to, but--" Y/n was cut off by Carol.

"No! Of course not! She's going to be living here! She can't sleep on the couch!" Carol said.

"Why not?! This is my room!" Tko exclaimed.

"Our room, actually..." KO corrected.

"Whatever. She's not staying in here." Tko said as he crossed his arms.

"Miss Carol, I can sleep on the couch if--" Y/n was once again cut off.

"No. I want you to be comfortable, even if it makes others uncomfortable." Carol said as she looked at Tko. Tko groaned in annoyance and climbed up to his bed on his and KO's bunk bed. Carol sighed and turned to Y/n. "I'll get a better bed set up tomorrow hopefully. Goodnight." She ruffled Y/n's hair and walked out.

"Hey, Y/n?" She heard KO call. She turned to him. "Since you'll be living here, does that mean you'll go to school and work with us?"

"Uh... I don't know. Maybe." She smiled at him as she laid down on the pallet.

"Hopefully not." Tko said.

"Yep, so I won't have to look at you as much." Y/n said.

"Hey!" Tko growled. He heard a soft chuckle from Y/n as she curled up in her covers, going to sleep.

Tko turned over, covering up his covers as well. He didn't even realize it, but he was smiling slightly.

Maybe this would be better than what he thought it would be...

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