Chapter 17; Juvia's First Kiss

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(Lucy's POV)

"Good morning Levy-chan," I said through the phone,"Where's your bodyguard, Gajeel?"

"He went home," Levy replied. "Shrimp! Breakfast is ready!" I heard in the background.

"Levy-chan, he slept at your house didn't he? OMFG DID YOU HAVE SEX? DID HE WEAR A CONDOM?"

"Shut up Lu-chan!" Levy yelled back into the phone,"He slept in our guest room....there's nothing sexual about that."

"Okay. Bye Levy-chan, see you at school," I hung up. I looked over and Natsu finished making pancakes. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. I sat next to him. Natsu held out a fork with a piece of pancakes dipped on syrup, he wanted me to eat it. I ate it, and Natsu laughed.


"Nothing. Just remembering something."

"Okay." I started feeding him.

(Levy's POV)

I placed my phone back in my pocket. I turned,"Since when did you learn how to cook?" I asked as I sat down at the counter.

"Just a hidden skill I have," Gajeel placed a mushroom omelette on the counter. I can smell it's yummyness. I felt my stomach growl. "Eat up, Shrimp," he grinned.

"Okay," I licked my lips and started eating.

"Mmm! This is really good!"

"Thanks," Gajeel patted my head. I looked up and smiled. Gajeel removed his hand off of my head, blushing hard. I just ignored that, and continued eating.

(Juvia's POV)

"Gray-sama~" Juvia greeted as Gray-sama came to Juvia's house.

"Good morning Juvia," Gray-sama smiled.

"Good morning, Gray-sama. Would Gray-sama want anything?"

"No. Having you is just fine," he flirted.

Juvia blushed,"Gray-sama.....Gray-sama always knows how to make Juvia happy." Juvia is glad that Gray-sama belongs to Juvia, but Gray-sama and Juvia never kissed before.

"It's almost time til school starts," Gray-sama looked at his watch, and held out his arm. Juvia hung on his arm, and we walked to school.

(3rd Person/Normal POV)

Those pairs walked to school, including Erza & Jellal. They're cute together, aren't they? Duh, of course. They all approached the school, went through Happy's fish lesson, and kept going to their classes. At lunch, the guys were talking in the hall while the girls talked outside.

"Man, I can't believe you haven't kiss Juvia yet!" Natsu teased.

"I-it takes time okay!" Gray blushed hard.

"Pfft! Natsu and I kissed our women when we confessed!" Jellal wanted to fit in with the guys, so he played along.

"See? Why haven't you two kissed yet." Gajeel joined in.

"Shut up, Iron Freak, you don't even have a girlfriend," Gray retorted.

Gajeel tugged Gray's shirt, and held his fist out,"Why you little-"

"Guys," Natsu pushed them apart.

"Gray, let's play rock paper scissors. Whoever loses has to tell them to do something, and they have to do it."

"Deal." Gray and Natsu played one round of rock paper scissors, and Natsu won.

"Geeehehe! I won!" Natsu smirked.

"Shit!" Gray complained.

"You have to kiss Juvia TODAY." Natsu ordered.

"Ugh. Fine." Natsu turned and pointed at Gajeel,"And you, you should at least have a girlfriend by the end of the year. Or I'm going to send your nudes to your fanclub."

"What the hell?!"

Then they started talking about pervy things that they always do. Meanwhile, the girls where talking about a similar topic.

"Juvia, sit closer with us. It seems that you're too far away," Lucy insisted. You see, the girls wanted to be friends with Juvia. Juvia slowly scooted closer to them.

"Hi Juvia," they greeted.

"Hi....Juvia has a lot of things on her mind so Juvia doesn't want to talk."

"You can always tell us," Wendy smiled.

"Okay....." Juvia scooted closer to the girls.

"Juvia is sad......because Gray-sama and Juvia haven't kiss yet!" Juvia started crying.

Lucy comforted her,"It's okay Juvia. He will kiss you soon."

"Yeah, he loves you...." Erza added.

"We know he will kiss you....." Levy almost-finished the sentence.

"Maybe even earlier than you think!" Wendy finished the sentence.

"Thank you, Juvia is really happy to know nice people." Juvia smiled.

"We'll always be there for you, Juvia," Lucy spoke for the three. Juvia nodded with a smile.

~After school~

(Juvia's POV)

'Will Juvia actually get kissed by Gray-sama?'

Juvia waited for Gray-sama by the gates of the school.

"Ah, Gray-sama," Juvia caught up with Gray-sama.

"Juvia....uh...." Gray-sama seems unusual.

"Is there something wrong, Gray-sama?" Juvia stopped walking. Gray-sama stopped too. He turned to me, his bangs hid his face. I can tell he was blushing a lot.

"Gray-sama...?" We stayed silent for a while. "Wha-" Gray-sama held my head, pulling it closer to him. His lips met mine. I kissed him back. Juvia was shocked, but Juvia enjoyed it. We pulled away, and Gray's face was red.

"I......I love you, Juvia." he confessed with his hands in his pockets.

"J-Juvia loves Gray-sama too."

This fanfic is getting way past PG-13 😂

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