Chapter 29; Baby Nathan

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(Lucy's POV)

*•*Some days/months later*•*

I woke up, slowly got off of my bed.

I groped my own belly, I feel like shit.

I waddled through the hallways, leaning on the walls. Future Rogue came out of his room, and he helped me walk.

".....T-thank you...." I mumbled.

"No problem.." He replied. We reached the kitchen, and I sat down. Rogue placed some salad on my plate. I decided not to complain and just eat it. Yukino isn't awake yet, so it's just me and F Rogue.

All 3 of us became really close during these past months. That reminds me, I haven't talked to my friends yet.

Eh......they probably forgot about me already.

I finished eating, now I have nothing to do.

"You should rest," Rogue suggested.

"But I just woke up with full energy.... I'll just go watch TV." I slowly got off of my seat. Rogue ran to me just to help me walk.

I grinned at him, and he grinned back.

((i do not approve of this crack ship o.e))

I layed down on the couch and turned on the TV. It was on a drama/romance show. There showed a scene of a couple kissing.

I sighed, I think I'd never feel those warm lips from 'him' again.

(3rd Person/Normal POV)

It was almost the end of the school year. Juvia, Erza, and Levy were really busy on school projects and they spend more time with their boyfriends.

A little piece in their hearts still cared for Lucy, but they were just too busy.

Along with the guys, apparently they were suspicious with Natsu's disappearance, they were also sad about it too.

The whole school thought that Natsu and Lucy ran away together, but it's just a thought.

It felt quiet, yet lonely without the two in school. One empty seat lied next to Lisanna.

Lisanna sighed, she thought she had a chance with Natsu since she never saw him with Lucy again.

"Cana...... Do you think Natsu and Lucy ran away together because of their baby?" Lisanna asked, leaning her head on her hand.

The rumor of Lucy being pregnant was now in everybody's heads.

"I guess so," Cana replied.

(Lucy's POV)

"AAAAAAUUUGGGGHH!!" I screamed. I felt my water broke. This baby is coming.

"Lucy!" Future Rogue came running to me,"We need to get into the hospital fast!" I got off the couch, and F. Rogue lead me to the hospital.

~At the hospital~

I was quickly rushed into a room, changed into some hospital clothes, and the female doctor helped me get into position. I choose to push it out, instead of C section.

"Push!" The doctor signaled.

I pushed as hard as I can, while screaming. I needed someone's hand to hold on to. I looked over, Future Rogue's face was in the other room.

I weakly held out my hand to him, he walked in, and took it. I gripped his hand as I pushed. I felt the head of the baby coming out.

"You're almost there! Keep pushing!" The female doctor exclaimed. I pushed, with screams.

I felt it pop out, and I heavily breathed in and out.

"Great job," the female doctor took the baby to get it cleaned.

I removed my grip from F Rogue's hand. "You did great," F Rogue patted my head.

"Thanks...." I mumbled. The doctor came back with the baby wrapped in a blanket. She was silent.


"I think there was a slight problem...." She handed me the baby.

I uncovered the blanket "I don't see nothing wrong-" I was silent as well.

My half dragon.

Tears formed in my eyes. Was this because of the shadow took over me? I don't know.

My baby is a boy, though. His torso was completely human, while his bottom & legs were red he had red wings.

Why does bad luck always happen to me?

The baby started laughing, and the wings & scales disappeared. He was now normal.

"Oh," the doctor smiled in relief,"It seems that he can turn into a dragon."

I giggled,"I suppose so."

I lifted his head up, and some strands of hair sprouted out of the blanket. It was pink. in Natsu's hair. My tears that were forming streamed down. He.....he looks just like Natsu....but form.

"This isn't the father, if I am correct," the doctor pointed at F Rogue.

"You're correct. He's just a friend."

"Would you sign this birth certificate please?" The doctor wants me to stand up. I slowly got up with the baby, and walked to write on the paper.

" about..... Nathan. Nathan Dragneel." Lucy thought out loud.

((Ik the baby's last name was supposed to be Heartifilla, but it was Lucy's choice.))

Lucy signed the papers, and placed Natsu Dragneel as the father.

~A bunch of writing later~

F Rogue and I left the hospital, I looked down at Nathan. He was so adorable, just like his Father.

((Hmmm......... Why do you think Nathan is half dragon?))

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