The Life I Started

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I feel sun hit my face through the blinds, the slowly opening my eyes to reveal a bird peering through my window. The bird tilts his head and flies away, I lift up my body while the covers slide off of my forearms. I stretch my neck side to side and get off of my bed, I tiredly walk in my closet and pick a outfit for dance rehearsal. I get dressed and grab my car keys only to trip on something fluffy. I grunt as I lift up my head to see what I tripped on, it was my dog Winter. Yes I know winter is a basic name, but it's one of my favorite Christmas songs 'Winter Wonderland'. I hold myself up by my forearms, seeing him wag his tail and tilt his head in confusion.

"You know, you're suppose to say sorry" He turns his head straight and walks over beside me to lick my cheek multiple times

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"You know, you're suppose to say sorry" He turns his head straight and walks over beside me to lick my cheek multiple times. "Alright alright! You're forgiven, I'm sorry too" I then proceed to kiss his forehead. I push my self up and straighten my shirt, while dusting of my pants from dog fur. "Listen I got to go, but i'll be back home at 3, I promise" I say while petting his head. I turn and open the door just to feel a cool wind hit my face, making my hair fly pass my face. I walk through the door and shut it. While walking to my car I hear a joyful "Good Morning (Y/n)!" I turn my head over to my neighbor. "Morning Zach!" I shout as I wave and smile, every morning since I moved in he is always outside. He's a down to earth person, he loves animals mostly...especially Winter. He's about around my age, living his best life in this expensive...overrated...neighborhood.

(Zach)- "What are you doing tonight by the way?" He yells, I turn back around to answer him.

(Y/N)- "Just working on songs, I have to get ready for my comeback this year" I yell back.

(Zach)- "Oh.." He says, I start to get confused.

(Y/N)- "What's wrong?"

(Zach)- "It's just that, I wanted to ask you..if you wanted to come over to my place tonight?" He starts to walk over to his hedge that separates our lawns, I walk over to reply to him.

(Y/N)- "That's nice, but it's not my style. I hope you can understand." I really did hope that he did, although after saying that I felt terrible seeing his unsure smile turn into a frown. 'Shit' I say to myself.

(Y/N)- "Listen, I will come over but I don't expect for you to ask me any perverted questions alright?" I say punching his arm. He looks up and smiles at me.

(Zach)- "It's actually game night for me, so we're only going to play games is that alright?" I nod and proceed to say goodbye while walking to my car, once getting in and close the door and exhale roughly.

I drive to my dance rehearsal place, arriving two minutes late just to be greeted by my manager. I get an earful while walking to my room, I honestly didn't listen since 3 of my backup dancers weren't even there yet. Walking into my room I feel arms hug around my body, barely being able to breathe she steps back and smiles happily at me. It was Ashley Graham?!

(Ashley)- "I had to come see you!" I smile happily seeing her grown up and still the same.

(Y/N)- "Ashley wow! You're so beautiful!" I quickly hug her tightly.

(Ashley)- "I'm beautiful?! Have you seen yourself?" She lightly chuckles. "Wow! How's the agency?" My smile turns into a straight line.

(Y/N)- "Well I have resigned, I uh- left by pretending to be dead" Ashley nods her head sadly.

(Ashley)- "I thought so, because I've been seeing your face everywhere on Youtube! I love your music honestly!" I smile weakly at her.

(Y/N)- "Thanks, I honestly wanted a new start since my past." After saying that she grabs my arm and hooks it with hers, proceeding to walk farther in the room.

(Ashley)- "I know, I saw pain in your eyes back then. Even Leon saw it too, especially when he said 'A person I had to let go'". I froze in my tracks and gulp hard in my throat, I start to shake a little remembering what happened nine years ago.

(Ashley)- "I'm sorry for bringing it up-" I cut her off, standing tall.

(Y/N)- "Trust me, it gives me closure. Hopefully he's doing fine." Saying that made my chest tighten with pain. I continue my day waiting for my backup dancers to arrive, while waiting I continued to talk to Ashley about her life.

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