Truth Gets Revealed

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I answer the call to only see Simmons face in amusement, I start to walk around this encased place. I find an window and peer out of it, I start to get a wave a fear noticing my location. 

(Y/N)- "I'm underwater aren't I?"

(Simmons)- "Not to kill you of course, just a secretive location to be at."

(Y/N)- "Why bring me here? Take me back at once!"

(Simmons)- "Can't figure that out for yourself" He ends the call making my blood boil.

I put away my device and start to walk up to this clear box. I see a green button on the side, I proceeded to click it showing a video named 'Happy Birthday Ada Wong'. After almost playing the video I look at the description to see another title. 'Your Creator (Y/N) (L/N)', I play the video to see Ada bursting out of a weird larva thing. At the end I see me standing in the back with Simmons. I tilt my head hearing footsteps behind me, I turn around only to see Ada. I pull out my gun quick, unknown if its really her.

(Y/N)- "Is it you?" She nods and looks around.

(Ada)- "The question is, is it you..." I nod unsure if I should trust her.

(Ada)- "Listen I don't care if you don't trust me, but we got to get out of here at once." I put away my gun.

(Y/N)- "Lead the way" She start to walk off as I follow.


We approach the escape tank, the only problem was that it was higher than us. We both strain out neck as we look up at the tank. I let out a sigh and take a few steps back.

(Ada)- "What do you think you're doing?" She says without turning her back.

(Y/N)- "Finding a way to get to it, you still got your grapple gun?" She nods, I start to point my grapple at the wanted placement. I shoot it flying up and flipping over a pole that almost hits my head. I land standing up waiting for Ada, I see her follow my steps and land with me. Ada starts to get a call from Simmons, while talking to him I start to break the code to get in the tank.

I fidget with the wires until I see a green light shine on the top left of the panel, I look back at her and confirm we're good to go. I get up and flip the switch to open the tank, I see it slowly open.

(Ada)- "Great!" Sirens start to go off. "He made this place to destroy it, if the door doesn't open soon we'll drown."

(Y/N)- "You're kidding" I see the door open only an inch, I stretch my neck and slip in. I push the door open enough for Ada to squeeze it.

(Ada)- "Pull the door!" We start pulling the door to close as the whole submarine fills up with water. Almost about to reach us the door closes making me sit down catching my breath.

(Ada)- "He likes you ya'know" I look up at her.

(Y/N)- "Who exactly?" I say curiously.

(Ada)- "Who else?" I look forward having a good guess who it is. "Leon, it's Leon".

(Y/N)- "I know, so what? We have separate lives." She chuckles and shrugs.

(Ada)- "Whatever you say" The last hour was silent until we arrived to the top.

I swim up to see I was in China, I start to swim to the dock until I see a plane crash down. I quickly look for Ada, but she was gone. I shake it off and grapple to a electricity tower, I fly up landing on one of the bars. I closely look to see people down there, I jump off the tower and roll until I stop myself to stand up. I straighten my back and look forward only to see Sherry Birkin, she runs toward me as I do the same.

(Sherry)- "You're alive!"

(Y/N)- "I'd thought I never see you again" I hug her tighter before I hear a cough making me look forward to see a man in a black shirt.

(Sherry)- "Jake she's good, she saved me in Raccoon City. She sacrificed herself so I could run." She turns to me happily, "I am forever in your debt, I'm glad you're okay". I nod and look over to Jake's right to see Leon and Helena peering over us. 

(Y/N)- "Leon!" I walk over to him making Sherry and Jake follow. "Are you alright?"

(Leon)- "I should be asking you that" He smirks.

(Y/N)- "I'm guessing you're tracking him right?" Sherry walks up to us confused.

(Sherry)- "Tracking who?"

(Leon)- "Chief Security Adviser Simmons" 

(Sherry)- "What? There must be some sort of mistake, I report to Simmons!" I look at Sherry surprised.

(Y/N)- "Sherry, he kidnapped me with Ada. He was going to kill me!"

(Leon)- "What!?" He twists his neck making it crack, "I need to know-" Leon then gets pushed back by Jake.

(Jake)- "Hey!"

(Y/N)- "You all need to calm down! Sherry listen he is-" Sherry then gets pulled away by Jake to talk. While doing so I scold Leon.

(Leon)- "What? Are you scolding me now? Like a mother?" He chuckles slightly.

(Y/N)- "You need to calm down in this situation, Simmons will get caught." He gives me a soft side look while Sherry and Jake walk up to us again.

(Helena)- "Look out!" I slowly turn my head towards something, seeing it going to hit me and Sherry. I feel arms grab me and pull me away, dropping me to the ground. An explosion occurs as I turn my head to look at it, I look back at Leon.

(Leon)- "You alright?" I roll my eyes and get up.

(Y/N)- "Now is not the time" All of us face this monster, aiming our guns at it.

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