Not Clear Yet (Part One)

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(Y/N Pov)

I unload all of my boxes into my new house, I look over my shoulder and see Chris finishing up the moving van. I walk through my new house taking in the new house smell, while walking I notice the back porch door. I walk towards it extending my arm and opening it, wind hits my face as I see the beach. I look at the beach and lay my head upon the glass door, I exhale as I step out onto the porch. I walk forward and feel Winter rush upon my leg, I look down and then up. I rest my arms on the porch fence, I daze out a bit before feeling another person next to me.

(Chris)- "I like your place" I tilt my heads towards him and look at the beach some more. "Are you sure you want this private beach?" I nod and turn towards him.

(Y/N)- "I have to be hidden, I quit my job as an idol. I'll be working solo for now, it's better for me to be alone." I look down sadly, I lift my head and see Chris. He instantly pulls me into a hug, feeling his warmth is comforting.

(Chris)- "You know, I feel like a big brother to you." He chuckles, "I don't want to say goodbye"

(Y/N)- "Me neither, I'll miss you" I pull back and look at him, and walk into the house making Chris follow. I stop walking as I reach upon my house entrance, "Chris don't tell anyone about this address, they can't know where I stay at". He nods, he walks out to his private ride. Before opening the door he turns to look at me again.

(Chris)- "You seriously need a boyfriend" He laughs, I roll my eyes and wave to him. "Stay safe"

(Y/N)- "Trust me, I will" I see him nod and turn back to his ride, he gets in and drives off. I close the door and put my back onto it, I slide down to the floor.

I miss him already, the family I thought I had left me. I keep letting myself get attached to certain people that always leave. Especially Leon, I know we both have a thing for each other but I can't grasp around the fact that he likes me. God...I sound like a high school girl right now, I groan and stand up to my feet. I stretch and start to walk into my bedroom, once entering I shut the door and turn on the lights. I grab one box with my clothes and set it on my bed, I take out the night gown I was wearing when Leon came to my house. I lift it up to my nose and smell his scent, I pull it away from my nose and throw it onto my dresser. I hit my head and snap out of it, I grab another night gown and toss it onto my bed. I grab the box and struggle to place it on the ground, I grab on to my shirt and lift it above my head. About to take off my shirt, until I heard a doorbell.

I quickly toss my shirt fully on again and head down stairs, I lightly creep down the stairs. Not making any noise, I look around to see Winter but he was nowhere to be found. I make my way over to the door, before opening I reach my hand into my boot and take out a knife. I open the door with the knife behind my hand, no one was there. I shut the door and turn around to see a punch getting thrown at me, I duck and slide under their legs. Once doing so I split their legs and make them fall, I stand an place my boot on their chest. They had a mask on...

(Y/N)- "Take off your mask, and I won't cut you" I see the person hesitate before finally slipping off the mask. "Ada!" I take my foot and place it on the ground and extend a hand, she takes it and dusts her clothes off.

(Ada)- "I see you've practiced, you're getting used to the job again huh?" I put the knife on my wooden table and cross my arms. "I see you're upset" she says while sitting down on my dinning chairs.

(Y/N)- "Upset is not even the word to describe it, how'd you find me anyway" I see her look at me amused.

(Ada)- "I have my ways" I sit down across from her with an eyebrow raised. "I see you and Leon didn't work out" I roll my eyes, I am not giving her an advantage to talk about my love life. "Fine, no small talk I see. Anyways I have a job for you" She tosses a picture of a man. "This man, is a psychopath trying to destroy this world. I want you to accompany on this mission, cause I believe you're getting into this job again."

(Y/N)- "Sorry" I slide over the picture back to her, "I quit this job, I refuse to work like that again" She clicks her tongue multiple times and slides the picture back to me.

(Ada)- "You're not understanding my proposal, you are not in the clear my friend. Nor will you ever will be, every psycho is after you and me. We're the biggest threat to those monsters, since our training was above average I must say." I lean forward on my forearms.

(Y/N)- "What are you saying?" I shake my head, trying to understand her.

(Ada)- "You're not off the job just yet, almost but not yet." She stand up and takes the photo with her, she sighs. "Listen, I'm just trying to help you be free of this life. I can tell you don't want my help and you don't want to listen." She walk over to the door and opens it, I stand up quickly and walk over.

(Y/N)- "Wait!" She stops and turns around, I slowly look up at her and exhale. "I'm in" she smirks and closes the door and walks toward me.

(Ada)- "Get dressed, we're late" I nod and go up the stairs, once approaching my room I look over to the closet.

(Y/N)- "Talk about trying to leave this life" I shrug.


Sorry ya'll I've been studying for exams lately, anyways this story is almost about to end. I'm hella sad tbh, anyways hopefully you guys are enjoying this two part ending. The next chapter will be short, but I'll make it good I promise!

I LUv YAlL <3


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