Back Where I Started

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(Ashley)- "Honestly tell me this" I turn my head to face her fully on. "Would you go back to being an Agent or at least help the BSAA?" I turn away from her to think, I put the palm of my hand under my chin.

(Y/N)- "I wouldn't, I could never let myself be the monster I was" I say while looking at her.

(Ashley)- "W-what do you mean 'Monster'?" I shrug and sigh.

(Y/N)- "I wanted to avenge my father's death, once I did I felt no relief. I was hungry for revenge, and just my luck I snapped. I didn't talk much back then, I was rude and inconsiderate...only caring for myself." I slump down, resting my forearms on to my knees.

(Ashley)- "Hey!" I turn to look at her again. "You're the one who saved me, if it wasn't for you I would be dead." She punches me in the arm playfully, I return the favor.

(Y/N)- "Thanks, for coming here. I honestly needed a friend" I smile at her, we stare at each other in silence until I feel a buzzing in my pocket. I pull out my phone only to break the silence by its ringing.

(Y/N)- "I have to take this, give me a second" I say while getting up, she nods. I walk away to the nearest bathroom just to answer the call.

(Piers)- "Hey girly! Miss me?" I roll my eyes and proceed to talk with Piers.

(Y/N)- "Of course, how's your mission so far? Wait you can't call me during a miss-"

(Piers)- "Chris let me call you, he's a hothead but I got to him" I sigh once again, he's my best friend but I don't want him to lose his I lost mine.

(Y/N)- "Listen I don't want you to get in trouble, anyways I have to train for my comeback." While saying this I start to play with the paper towels by the sink, twirling my finger and breaking bits off. I hear a long pause before I hear a gunshot, my eyes widen.

(Y/N)- "Piers! Chris! Are you alright?" My chest starts to heave up and down before hearing Piers whispering that he has to go, he then suddenly ends the call. 'please be safe...'

I brush off the call and head back to Ashley, only for her to run up to me and explain that she has to go because of her father. I nod and continue to practice my dance for the rest of the day, time moved slow let me tell ya.

(Time skip)

I pull up to my driveway exhausted and look over to my neighbor Zach's house. I get out of the car and walk across our lawns, slowly approaching the door I see that it was open. I start to get confused as I proceed to walk in, I knock before I walk fully in. After knocking I heard a low growl, I stop instantly hearing footsteps walking closer to me, before turning the corner to his kitchen I smelled blood. I gulp hard in my throat and turn quickly, I start to hear teeth chewing on something. I look over the kitchen counter just to see Zach on the floor eating something, "If this is a joke it isn't funny" I say before seeing him turn around. My jaw drops as I see him eating a dead bird, blood running from his mouth.

He starts to stand up as I step away, I look over to see a kitchen knife. I quickly grab it just to see him next to me. He grabs both of my shoulders as I try to stab him, I break free and run just to slip on blood that was on the floor. I hit my head on a glass table and get dizzy, I shake my head as I crawl away. I feel him on top of me as I finally stab him through his skull, his corpse falls on my chest and I breathe roughly. "I guess I'm out of practice" I have a wave of guilt over me and start tearing up, I push him off of me and exit the house. I pull out my phone and called Hunnigan.

(Hunnigan)- "Hello, this is-"

(Y/N)- "Hunnigan it's me" Hunnigan then gasps.

(Hunnigan)- "Y/N- you're alive? But how are you in China?"

(Y/N)- "China? I'm in Tall Oaks, anyway there's another outbreak. Please watch over my house and dog. I know you can't but please Hunnigan I can't lose another battle."

(Hunnigan)- "Listen, I will help you but how do I know it's the real you?" I freeze as I open my garage.

(Y/N)- "I don't know what's happening but remember when Leon tried to hit on you" I chuckle as I say that, I shake my head and make my chest go tight again.

(Hunnigan)- "Alright, I'll cover you" I end the call and approach my bike. I gulp hard in my throat and flip over the sheet over it. I wipe away dust and get on.

(Y/N)- "I never thought I'll be back on this, hopefully you work" before putting in the key I grab my grappling gun and pistol. I put the key into the bike and charge it up, I then start to ride away.


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Sorry that the outfit is extra lmao, when I thought about music idols I thought about Irene from Red Velvet.

Hopefully you all like this story so far! I am so excited for this 2nd book!

Anyways I love y'all <3

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