Not Exactly How I Planned It

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Once falling I get up and try to run before feeling Simmons grab me again, 'why do I feel so weak?' I started to get pulled along with Simmons before hearing a faint yell from Helena.

(Helena)- "Simmons! Get Back Here!!" This made Simmons get faster and annoyed more. Before I knew it we were at the front of the train, he grabs onto my shoulders and pushes me back to the edge of the train. I gulp hard in my throat thinking what to do, although my train of thought breaks before I fell myself getting pushed off. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait, but nothing happens. Simmons then gets a call, he answers and listens in.

I see Simmons expression change into anger than annoyance, he takes the phone off if his ear and shatters it. I then look off of his shoulder and see Leon and Helena running up, I gasp and hit his stomach. I proceed to run up to Leon before feeling my hair get pulled back, I groan in pain trying to pry his hand off.

(Simmons)- "We weren't finished" He then puts me in a choke hold again, going tighter and tighter.

(Leon)- "Give it up, Simmons. We got you"

(Simmons)- "You chase me while the other woman is on the loose!" Leon tilts his head in confusion.

(Leon)- "What women?" His eyes widen.

(Simmons)- "This one" He then pulls my hair again, making me groan. "And Ada, she did this to me.."

(Leon)- "Another team was sent after Ada, but're all ours"

(Simmons)- "Are you here to avenge the President? You fool" I then start to chuckle in my throat."What are you laughing at?" he tightens his grip on my neck.

(Y/N)- "I'm laughing at you" I say while gasping for air on each word. I flip my body over him, while in the air I grab my pistol and land. Resulting me putting him in a choke hold with my gun aimed against his temple. I look up at Leon, I see expression change a bit into an calm one. 

(Simmons)- "How dare you and her do this to me!" He starts to grunt and groan while going onto his knees. I feel his flesh burning onto my arm making me take my arms off of him, I look down to see smoke appear out of him. I run around him and see flames appear all over him, I feel an arm tug me back. I back up behind Leon seeing him confused, he looks over to me with a side eye. I look up at him disappointed, not in him but in myself. Breaking our stare we hear Simmons yell, while splitting into two. 

Simmons then turns into this wolf thing, Leon shoots at him only making him dodge and hop over us. We all duck at the same time, Leon grabs my waist and pushes me to the side so I don't get in his way. 

(Y/N)- "Honestly, up here isn't the best place. We need to dodge him as much as we can."

(Leon)- "You're right, we need to move. Helena go through the top latch on that side, Y/N we'll be with me."

(Helena)- She nods, but before closing the latch she yells under her breath. "Damn you!" Leon and I start blasting away at Simmons, making him weak for a few seconds.

(Leon)- "Come on, let's get our distance while we have a chance." I nod and run up to the open latch, jumping through it. I look up and see Leon jump down as well, I start to walk up before feeling a large thump hit the whole train. I look back to see Simmons behind us, we all start shooting and running back into the train.

(Helena)- "I'm sick of this already!" Helena jumps through an open train door to get tot he top of the train. Simmons follows her making the lights go out. I try to strain my eyes looking around.

(Y/N)- "Leon!" I then feel my hand being grabbed.

(Leon)- "I'm right here" I look up at a dark figure and see a light pass by making his eyes known. I open my mouth about to say something until the train moves drastically making my lips hit something. Frozen in placement I then back away, putting fingers up to my lips. Feeling my lips thump in pain by the sudden encounter, the lights come back on I look around to see Leon's fingers on his lips as well, he was rubbing it as so was I.

(Y/N)- "I- uh-" I couldn't speak, I didn't know what to say. I see him smirk before talking.

(Leon)- "Let's finally kill this bastard", he then guides me by hand to the open train door. I nod and hop around, once up I see Helena getting to close to comfort before almost getting hit.

(Y/N)- "Back away Helena!" She then runs toward me as I shoot Simmons, I turn around to see Leon doing the same thing. Simmons then speeds runs to me, I try to run but not fast enough. I see Leon extending his arm, as I do mine until someone grabs me through the air. After seconds we land, I gasp in shock before turning around. "Ada!?"

(Ada)- "Yeah I know bad timing, but our clones are trying to destroy the whole world."

(Y/N)- "What do you mean!?"

(Ada)- "I'll explain later, we just need to stop them." She then start running off making me scoff, I proceed to follow.

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