Twist of Events

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After landing I look around, I felt someone watching. Once I heard a gun being pulled out I instantly kicked my foot behind me. Doing that resulted the attacker to fight back, he or she threw a punch and I caught it. Spinning them around I decided to choke hold them, it started to rain harder and harder making lighting appear. Once a flash of lighting appeared I looked at the attackers face, "Ada?" I instantly let her go.

(Ada)- "Long time no see"

(Y/N)- "Gosh, why approach me like that?"

(Ada)- "For one I thought you were dead, and two I thought you were her"

(Y/N)- "Her? What do you exactly mean by that?" Ada starts to grab her gun and put it away, she then walked around me.

(Ada)- "Ever since you were gone Simmons made me work for him, he had a thing for you and I. Funny isn't it." I walk in front of her in her tracks making her stop.

(Y/N)- "Ada what do you mean her? W-what are you getting at exactly? Please Ada work with me." Ada looks away and looks back at me, trying to make a decision. After seconds of finally thinking she smirks at me.

(Ada)- "Let's just say, zombies or B.O.W's aren't the only thing we're fighting." She then quickly hands me a clear device and runs away, I look over my shoulder making sure she's gone. I then suddenly get a call from this device. I answer and the first thing I see is Simmons face on the screen making me frown.

(Simmons)- "What's with the long face?" I start walking across the cathedral watch towers.

(Y/N)- "What's with the sudden call?" I answer with attitude.

(Simmons)- "Rude today aren't we? Huh where are you dear?" He tries to look through the phone.

(Y/N)- "I'll leave that to your imagination" I say looking up, he then suddenly sighs.

(Simmons)- "Ah poor Helena and Leon, about to get trapped in an old mine. Seems bitter of me to lead them down there with Deborah." I look at the phone confused.

(Y/N)- "Wait what?" He then ends the call with a evil chuckle. 'shit'

I start to make my way into cathedral seeing an secret open passage widely open. I get stopped by different people asking me if I'm the rescue, although after saying no I run in. Pushing my way  trying to find the mine until I finally did, at a high ledge I see Leon looking at Helena kneel down at a larva? I pull out my grappling gun and grapple down landing in front of Leon confused.

(Y/N)- "I came here too late didn't I" I look over to Helena crying for Deborah.

(Leon)- "What do you mean too late? Do you know what's happening here?"

(Y/N)- "Let's just say I have a hunch, anyways we-" I get cut off with Leon putting my hair behind my ear. I start to get red.

(Leon)- "You have a big cut on your head, have you been bleeding out a lot." I shake my head making him return his hand. I see Leon's eye widen as I hear him yell.

(Leon)- "Look out!" I felt arms grab my lower back and pull me out of the way, seeing an arrow pass by my face. I have a shocked expression once I noticed it pierced Helena's sister.

I push myself out of Leon's arms and grab Helena's arm, I try to pull her away while Leon covers for me. I see Ada walk down, before I could say something I get grabbed by two men that came from the open abyss. I hear Leon scream my name as I go up, I try to shake out of their arms. Once I do I start to fall hearing my mind start to panic, I grapple to a ledge and collapse on the rusty old wooden boards. I cough and get up only to see Simmons appear in front of me.

(Simmons)- "Now I didn't mean for that to happen, wait actually I did. I never thought you would come down here." He starts to circle me while having his hand placed on his chin, "Anyways! I have a gift for you." He says excitedly while throwing his hands in the air. He tosses me a clear cube device that flips up.

(Simmons)- "Go on, flip it" He says with his hands extended out.

(Y/N)- "Let me guess, when I flip it I'll explode?" He sighs annoyingly.

(Simmons)- "Just do it already, I don't have time for games." I flip it only to see a unknown location, once I look up I see that I'm at the location.

(Y/N)- "What the? How did he-" I start to get a call.

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