Not The Last Time

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(Leon's Pov)

Once it was morning I decided to go back to Y/N house, I don't know what exactly I'll say....or what she'll say. One thing I know for sure is that I won't let this goodbye be this way, instead of driving the full way there I walked half of it. No one can know I'm here, not even Ada. I approach her house and see a big white moving van, I instantly shake my head annoyed and start speed walking further. After a few feet away I see her come out of the house with a big box, she walk tot he van and places it down while Winter follows. 

She wipes her forehead and turns to Winter with her hands on her hips, "You think Piers would've want this?" she says

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She wipes her forehead and turns to Winter with her hands on her hips, "You think Piers would've want this?" she says. Winter tilts his head and barks making Y/N smile, "Hopefully that's a yes" she chuckles. She go back inside and gets a 'For Sale' sign, while walking out I see another man with her...'Chris?'

(Y/N)- "Mind putting this on my lawn, trust me this house will sell fast in a neighborhood like this." Chris gladly takes the sign and holds it out in front of him, he then sighs.

(Chris)- "You sure you wanna do this?" Y/N nods instantly and hesitates to speak.

(Y/N)- "It's for the best, for me and for him" She looks down pouting a bit before Chris lifts her head up.

(Chris)- "Don't be like that, it's not like you. He would want this for you, Leon defended the other you for a reason you know." She smacks his hand away and proceeds to walk to the box she dropped.

(Y/N)- "I know his reasoning, and I know he knows mine" She smiles and puts the box into the van and closes it. She dusts her hands and puts it up in the air happily. "That's the last one, anyways put my sign up will you!?" she says while walking toward him. Chris starts hammering down he sign on her lawn, after seconds he stops and hands Y/N her clear device from Hunnigan.

(Chris)- "I didn't know if you still wanted this" She looks down upon it before throwing it on the ground and stomping on it. I tilt my head in confusion while she was doing so, 'Why would she destroy it? Does she still want to keep contact?'

(Y/N)- "It's time to clear my history, not everything but most." She starts getting in the passenger side of the moving van, making Winter follow and hop in. "I never did say I'll stop being a Agent now...did I?" She smirks and waits for Chris to get in, once he does he looks at her before starting the car.

(Chris)- "You put the letter into the mailbox already?" She nods, "How do you know he'll read it?" She looks off into the road ans sighs before looking back.

(Y/N)- "I put the letter in last night, I know he'll read it. Cause he cares about last words." She smiles and looks down at Winter, making Chris start the car and drive off. I walk up to the mailbox and open it to reveal a letter inside, I pull it out to see my name on the front.

I slowly open it and pull out a simple while paper with her name and date on it. I unfold it and start to trail my eye's while reading it.

Dear Leon S. Kennedy

I know last night wasn't a perfect chick flick moment, but it was a start. Forgive the words I've said, and forgive me. This won't be the last time we'll see each other, I know we will stubble upon another zombie outbreak and save the world again together. Last night when you opened the door I was crying, not about you nor myself. I was crying about the death of Piers Nivans, my best friend. Since I already lost the most people I cared about in my life, I didn't want to lose you. It'll happen one day, but that day isn't today.

For now keep on living without me.

Love, Y/N L/N

I start to grip the paper tightly before I let go, not trying to ruin the letter. I look around quickly and turn around and start speed walking down the road, back to my car. Once I do I contact Hunnigan asking whether she left the agency once again or not...and she did.

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