Can't Do It Anymore

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(Y/N Pov)

We both go off to each side and dodge Simmons, we both run up closer to Ada. While we run she shoots many of her bullets off to Simmons, I turn around to see he was getting wounded. I heave my chest up and down, thinking of what we could do to kill him once and for all. I look over at Ada and tilt my head towards Simmons, I look over to Leon already shooting him. While Leon shoots him I run straight at Simmons, ducking and landing on my back. I slide under him and shoot the flesh around his heart. I quickly stand and look over to see Leon tackling him and punching him. Before I could do anything Leon quickly backs away from Simmons, Simmons then turns into a bigger monster. I charge again, but this time Simmons slams his claw thing against me, resulting in me rolling away. I groan and look up to see Leon getting pushed to the edge of the fallen building. "Leon!" I yell, I try to stand but my legs fail me. I started to have a sharp pain on my left leg making me grunt in pain, I see Simmons hitting off Leon by his hands.

(Simmons)- "Do you want to live? Then beg! Beg for your life!"

(Leon)- "I'll pass" I see Simmons going in for the last hit, until I see Ada. She passes me an electric stick, I look up to see her on a high building waiting for me. I shake my head and jump up and run over to him.

(Y/N)- "How about you beg for yours?" I stick the electric stick in his side, hearing him grunt in pain when I do. I take my grappling gun and grapple away carrying him, I then drop him from a high height. "Let's call this closure, should've moved on". I then land on the same building with Ada.

(Ada)- "Nice" I roll my eyes, holding my side from pain. I look back seeing Simmons fall into fire, I then look at Ada, smirking at me. "He's waiting for you", I look over to Leon staring at me.

(Y/N)- "I have to let him live his life, I've got to live mine." I pull out my device and start typing away, I then send him a message.

I've gotta run, you have to continue without me.

Trust me when I say, we'll meet again.

I left you a little gift  on the roof, call it a compensation.

Keep on saving the world, again and again.

Bye Leon.

I look over to see if he received it, once I see him pull out his device and read it, I notice his expression changes. Once he looks up I start to walk away with Ada, I do a parting wave making him yell my name once more. 'I'm sorry', breaking my train of thought I hear Ada talking to me.

(Ada)- "What's the gift?" I pull out a little flash drive chip thing and put in back into my pocket. "How'd you get your hands on that?"

(Y/N)- "When I carried Simmons he had a chip on him, it proves Leon and Helena's innocence." While talking I get a sharp pain making me yell a bit.

(Ada)- "Are you alright?" I shake my head and try to stand straight. "Come on, the agency has paramedics".

(Time skip to paramedics)

My leg gets examined and touched making me wince in pain, I look up into a mirror in the room. I see my head bandaged and my arm, to stop the bleeding. The doctor sighs and stands, he gets paperwork from his desk and walks back to me, flipping pages.

(Doctor)- "Seems like your leg has a minor sprain, and your side pains are from rib bruising." I nod and lightly sigh, I think of my boss giving me an earful of shit. "I'll wrap your side and leg with bandages, i'll be also giving you medicine for your ribs." I nod and let him do his job while looking around. After a bit he finally finishes, he stands and walks over to the medicine cabinet. He hands me my medicine and lifts me to my feet.

(Y/N)- "Thanks" He nods, I walk outside the building and see Ada waiting for me. "You didn't need to wait" She waves her hand to her own personal cab.

(Ada)- "I'll always wait for a friend" I look over and smile a bit, it made me happy to think that Ada actually cares for me. That I'm not just some ex-partner. "Get in, it'll drive you home"

(Y/N)- "What about you?" I say while closing the door, I then poke my head out the window.

(Ada)- "I'll be fine, I have some business to take care of" I nod and look forward. "Hey!" I turn to her, "I'll see you down the road" I smile and salute her. The window goes up making me turn my head to the driver, he then proceeds to drive to my house.

Once arriving I see everything the same like before, no outbreak or anything. I step out of the car and say "Thank you" I close the door and walk up to my house door. I take out my keys and put it in, I open the door to see my dog hop in front of me happy. "I'm glad you're okay" I pet his head and walk into my house more, I shut the door and toss my keys onto my small wooden table. I take a quick shower and change my clothes into a simple nightgown, I decided to go with the nightgown because of my leg/rib.

I plop into my bed and groan as my head thumps with pain, I then slowly go to sleep

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I plop into my bed and groan as my head thumps with pain, I then slowly go to sleep. I wake up to darkness, I get up and check the clock. "I've slept through the whole day?" I get up and feel my leg hurt, I instantly take two pills to make it stop. It was only silence until I hear a phone ring, 'my device?!' I run over and pick it up.

(Y/N)- "Hello?"

(Chris)- "Hey Y/N it's uh-Chris" I sit on the bed confused.

(Y/N)- "Chris what's wrong?" I hear him shakily breathe in.

(Chris)- "I thought it would only be right for me to tell you this....Piers he's gone...he died." I instantly feel myself get weak, I start breathing in a fast pace making Chris get worried. "Y/N I'm sorry it's all my faul-"

(Y/N)- "Chris I doubt that, just please let me process this. I'll call back don't worry." I end the call and throw my device making a vase shatter. I grab onto the bed, a million of things go through my head before I hear a knock at my door. I stand and walk over to it, I shakily grab the knob and twist it.

(Leon)- "Thought you could disappear from me again?" I look down at his feet, knowing who it is. I slowly look up and start feeling something wet go down my cheek. I get my hand and wipe my cheek to notice it was a tear.

(Leon)- "Y/N.." I finally give into my feelings and start crying, one tear after another. I then feel Leon pull me into a hug and push me into my house, slamming the door.

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