Personal Hatred

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(Y/N)- "Ada, where are you taking me to?" I start to look all around us while running.

(Ada)- "We are almost there, stop bickering" I roll my eyes until she spots a door and runs up to it, she looks through the small window while I peer over her shoulder.

(Ada)- "Okay, in here" She opens the door and holds it for me, I walk in confused.

(Y/N)- "Where are we exactly?" I walk over to the other side of the room, I see Ada look at me annoyed.

(Ada)- "Keep asking questions like that and i'll trade you with the other Y/N" I look over with a playful smirk, she then smirks back. "We have to figure out the hidden password for this number pad."

(Y/N)- "Who runs this place?"

(Ada)- "Simmons and his ex-wife Carla, and his sister Jess" I sigh and walk over to the pad, Ada then follows. "You know the password" I shrug.

(Y/N)- "Hopefully" I lift my index finger and say the numbers I put in out loud. "1-6-2-7" The pad goes green and a door opens to a helicopter pad.

(Ada)- "How'd you figure that one out?" She says with her arms crossed.

(Y/N)- "Simmons records show that he met his wife when she was 16, her sister's birthday is on the 27th." Ada nods and walks out the door, I follow. A few steps in we see another Ada and Y/N fall. Making blood cover all around them, Ada and I walk towards the bodies before they start twitching.

(Carla aka Ada)- "I never needed help....I am the real Ada Wong!"

(Jess aka Y/N)- "Y/N such a fool..took everything from me!" Ada and I look at each other unimpressed.

(Ada)- "Pity, we would've helped" I nod before seeing them both melt into the ground like ice cream on a hot day. We then back away, seeing them form into a monster. Expanding their bodies like a sponge.

(Y/N)- "We need to go" I pull Ada by her arm to the way we came from, I shut the door seeing both girls hit the window of the door. "They're trying to kill us!"

(Ada)- "No kidding" I lock the door and back up from it, we both aim our guns waiting for the door to break. It suddenly does making me jump. "Still not used to it?"

(Y/N)- "Not really, seems like by the years it gets worse." We start to shoot and back away until the whole room is covered by their melted bodies. We look around seeing red barrels filled with bombs. "You know what I'm thinking?"

(Ada)- "Yup. Okay we split, shoot then run. Got it?" I nod against her back, we were in silence until one by one barrels went off. Once the barrels exploded Carla and Jess screamed in pain while being burned alive. I duck behind a pillar, I look across and see Ada shooting the last barrel.

(Y/N)- "I think it's over" I walk around my pillar to see Ada gone. "Always leaves when it gets better."

I leave the room to see many helicopters passing by the area, I take out my grappling gun and grapple to the nearest tower. Once I land I click my earpiece to talk with Helena and Leon, but I get no answer. I start to get worried thinking about what could've happened when I left them. Breaking my thoughts I hear my cube device call, I answer just to see Simmons mutated.

(Simmons)- "They're dead, return to me again."

(Y/N)- "Funny" I end the call and throw the cube in the ocean across from me. I huff out of anger and call Hunnigan. She doesn't answer either, I call Ada for her to answer.

(Ada)- "I need backup here!" I start to grapple towards her area.

(Y/N)- "You know you could've told me you left" The call suddenly ends.

(Hours later, Leon's Pov)

I start to climb up the elevator shaft metal rope, I look over my shoulder and see Ada fighting Simmons while talking to someone on a device. I climb up faster and see something fly by the window's reflection. I turn my head to see Y/N landing next to Ada aiming her gun towards him, 'you...aren't dead..'

I see her help Ada out, I instantly climb up faster until I hear Ada yell Y/N name. I quickly turn my head fast to see Y/N get hit by Simmons claw, she rolls back until she stops. Her foot breaking the rolling, I see her eyes closed.

(Leon)- "Helena cover me!" I jump down and run to Y/N, I pick up her head and rest it on my knee. I try to find her pulse on her neck and wrist, I couldn't find it so I tried listening to her heart.

(Leon)- "Don't let it end like this!" I look over at Simmons returning to his normal form.

(Simmons)- "Get away from her, Leon! You're not the half the man she needs. Come with me, my love. We'll be together forever."

(Leon)- "Not if I can help it, come on wake up!" I then focus on her breathing pace. " If you're really Y/N, I know you can pull through this. We both can..." I look over at Simmons turning into his monster self again, I grab her head and body quickly and use my back to cover the bullets he shoots at us. I grunt in pain as I see her eye's open slowly, she grabs my hand softly and smiles.

(Y/N)- "I was only resting my eyes, I guess I got through it. Or shall I say we did." I chuckle in my throat.

(Leon)- "Shouldn't sleep on the job" I help her get up, she stands and looks over to Ada, who was relieved. I see her nod to her and then look at me.

(Y/N)- "Let's finish this" We then focus our attention to a pissed Simmons ready to charge at us.

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