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Once finishing up the call I checked on Winter, he was asleep. I pat his head and walk towards the door to my house. I reach for the door knob, but I hesitate to leave. I am afraid, not because of this Job. I am afraid of myself, I don't wanna get bent on revenge for Piers death. He wouldn't want that for me, nor would Leon. I shake my arms and hands violently to get all my nerves out, I finally open the door and feel the cool breeze hit y face. For some reason I closed my eyes, hoping I would turn around and close the door. I didn't, I forced myself to open my eyes and look at the car Ada gave me.

Walking towards the car I could tell it was expensive, 'I know I'll crash it during a mission' I say to myself. It was a beautiful black, with a red interior. I open the car door hearing the annoying beeping from the sudden motion. I roll my eyes and get it to notice the keys on the passenger seat. I grab them quickly and put the key into the keyhole, after seconds pass from driving I get a call from Ada. I yell "Answer" for the call to start.

(Ada)- "How's the car?" I chuckle abruptly.

(Y/N)- "Great, I hope you know this car will get demolished one day."

(Ada)- "I already know, anyways Y/N are you close?" I turn on my turn signal and make a right.

(Y/N)- "I just arrived" I hear her sigh "What's wrong?"

(Ada)- "We've got company, and not the good kind."

(Y/N)- "Stay clear, I have a plan" She then scoffs and ends the call. "This Job starts early nowadays."

I drift into the clear open parking lot, I take out my pistol and start shooting at the men dressed in black. After I hit each of them I hop out of the car and take out my second pistol. I whistle to lure Ada out, she walks out with her gun to her side. She tilts her head for me to stand by her, I walk over and see the three men laying on the floor. 

(Ada)- "Just wait" I look over at her confused.

(Y/N)- "For what?" I then hear bubbling sounds coming from them.

(Ada)- "That" I aim my pistol at the mutated men, making Ada follow my actions. They all stand and turn around to reveal that they are B.O.W's. "Welcome Back"

(Y/N)- "When did I leave?" I look over to her and smirk, receiving one back. I then look forward, my eyes squint towards the men. I aim my pistol and shoot a bullet that hits one man's forehead. "Cheers to more years on this job"

(Ada)- "Cheers"


Hopefully you like the ending, I honestly didn't know what to do for it. This isn't the end of your story, I'll be waiting a bit to do another book on Leon. Right now I need to focus on exams and other books like EVERLASTING HELL {you should check it out ;)}.

Also during Christmas break I'll be writing a Detroit Become Human book, I already made the cover for it ;)


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