Alive and Well

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I start to approach traffic, cars pile up in lines only to suddenly strain my eyes to see what's happening. I move an inch forward until an explosion occurs, "Holy Shit" I say before hopping off my bike. I run forward as people start running at me, away from the explosion, I bump into the crowd as I finally arrive to the car that exploded. Through the fire I see a whole group of zombies making their way, I start to take steps back as the zombies pick up their speed. I whip around only to run further away, I take out my grappling gun and shoot it at a pole light to a bridge. I fly up as I swing my body to land on my feet, I run over to the other side to see a police car topple over and explode a bit. I jump off the bridge and see a hole that leads to the train stations, I get closer and kneel down to examine it. I then suddenly hear a gun being pulled out, I stand up with my arms in the air. 

(Woman)- "Turn around and we won't shoot" 

(Y/N)- "What gives you the reason to shoot, I'm clean" 

(Woman)- "Just turn around!" I sigh and start to turn around slowly only to reveal a woman and a man. My eyes widen once I spot his blue clear eyes, I then turn my eyes away from him and put my arms down. 


The girl examining the hole stands, already putting her arms up. Helena order her to turn around, when she did I knew I've seen her before. Once she got a good look at my face I put my gun down quickly and put it back. She adverts her eyes to Helena only making me angry, I want her to look at me. I start to sprint at her making her take steps back, once I got close enough she almost fell into the hole making me grab both of her shoulders.

(Leon)- "Y/N is it really you?" She then nods a bit only making me pull her into a tight embrace. 

(Leon)- "You are alive, how...I saw you start to turn" She then stays silent. I pull away only to look at her expression, she changed..

(Leon)- "Answer me! How are you here and why are you here now?!"

(Y/N)- "I never died, I use that to escape that life. I've been making a living and I have a house here." She then pulls away from my grip. "I'm sorry, but now I got back into this mess."

(Leon)- "I'm glad you did" I chuckle only to make her smirk, I then look back at Helena who's expression was confused. I hear Y/N sigh once again and push pass me.

(Y/N)- "Helena Harper, nice to meet you. I was Leon's former partner in crime, and honestly I'm glad you took my place." Helena raises a brow and puts out her hand for Y/N to shake it, she proceeds to.

(Y/N)- "Let's cut chit-chat and start to get a move on, I'm not sure what happened but I have a feeling who did it." She turns back to me and I nod. She tilts her head towards the hole, but before she jumps in I stop her.

(Leon)- "Once we're down here, you're going to tell me every thing." She then grabs my hand and yanks it off of her. 

(Y/N)- "What's new about you Agent Kennedy, still the same baby as you were back then." She then jumps in making me follow after her. By mistake I bump into her making her slip, until I catch her in my arms. It's a long pause while we look in each other's eyes, I missed her gaze so much...once I turn on my light she notices she is holding on to my arm. She then coughs nervously and shrugs my arm off of her.

(Y/N)- "I'm fine..." Helena then jumps after confused. We all then hear an eerie sound making Helena anxious.

(Helena)- "We must Hurry" Y/N looks at me confused.

(Leon)- "What's the matter? Not a fan of sewers?" Helena stops in her tracks to turn to me, kinda pissed off.

(Helena)- "Come on, Let's just get to the cathedral" She then continues to walk, Y/N shrugs and follows.


(Leon)- "So, wanna start explaining" I hear her sigh.

(Y/N)- "Nine years ago, I finally figured out that my father was the monster. Making Wesker my only parent figure at the time. Before almost drowning into the sea Wesker saved my life by giving my an antidote. I was then rescued by Piers Nivans, only to finally meet Chris Redfield." 

(Leon)- "Piers and Chris? Never met them, I've heard about them but that's all" She looks over to me and shrugs.

(Leon)- "Tell me more"

(Y/N)- "More what?" She confronts.

(Leon)- "Your celebrity life, and these clothes" Her eyes widen instantly.


Once he asked that I felt my cheeks get hot and flushed, I already know that I am fully red.  I turn the corner of my eye to catch him eyeing my attire making me more flushed. I open my mouth and close it quickly hesitating to answer him.

(Y/N)- "Honestly, it uh- wasn't my first career choice." I stutter making him laugh a bit.

(Leon)- "Walking through Tall Oaks I saw your face on everything, I thought I was insane. Thinking that my brain was finally giving up on me." 

(Y/N)- "At this point maybe it is" We both smirk and continue walking in silence. 

It was all peaceful until Leon and I heard Helena yell "Train!" making my heart jump. I look at the train shocked until I felt an arm wrap around my waist and back. I felt myself being pushed up against the wall, Leon's face in the gap of my neck breathing heavily. I start to take his scent in making me forget my almost death encounter. After seconds of the train passing our bodies he pulls back asking "Are you alright". I nod and adjust myself while he lets go, I look down at my feet and sigh.

(Leon)- "Seems like you're out of practice" He says. I looked up annoyed and proceed to say.

(Y/N)- "Don't you think I've noticed" I roll my eyes and continue walking. I then hear him say under his breath.

(Leon)- 'women' making me give him a death stare.

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