Club Initiation

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(Jake)- "Him again!?" Leon quickly stares at Jake quickly and turns his attention back to the monster.

(Leon)- "Friend of yours?" Jake lightly chuckles

(Jake)- "More like an ex girlfriend, Guy doesn't know to quit" After saying that the monster instantly jumps down from the crashed plane, getting closer to us. 

(Leon)- "Welcome to the club, you get used to it" We then all scatter making the monster chose between all of us.

I notice the monster charging at me, resulting in me grappling onto another platform. I take out my pistol and start shooting only to make him angrier. I see him charging at Leon making me jump down and look over at Sherry, I tilt my head as she nods. I put two finger up to my mouth and whistle loud, making the monster slowly turn around. "I know you see me!" I lift my arms up and then yell "Come on!"

I see the monster charge at me, making me take a few steps back. I look around and see a metal pole, I instantly grab it and run through the metal crates. I then hear Leon in my earpiece while running.

(Leon)- "Do you wanna get killed" I roll my eyes.

(Y/N)- "Do you wanna get punched in the face?" Leon then sighs. 

(Leon)- "Keep his busy, Sherry and I got a plan. When you hear a bus start up run back to us."

(Y/N)- "Got it" the calls ends and I keep running, I dodge his punch and turn to the left. I swing my pole up, making it get stuck between to crates. I then fling myself up and land on the top crate.

(Y/N)- "Whoa, guess I'm not as rusty as I think" I laugh while stopping, I look around and see Sherry staring at me.

(Sherry)- "Run! Behind You!" I turn around and stomp my foot on the ground annoyed. 

(Y/N)- "Jake wasn't kidding" I start to run and see another crate, I instantly jump and land. I slide under some boxes and see Sherry get into the bus and start it. I jump off waiting for the monster to follow, once he does I put myself in the middle and wait. He chases me to the middle, I watch the bus drive and I jump out of the way and roll to land on my back.

(Jake)- "Talk about rough landing" I look up at Jake offering me a hand, I kindly take it.

(Time skip)

We all look up to the electricity tower, it started to come down so we all jump on either side. We then split up from Jake and Sherry. Sherry explains where she's going and we track her down, I look down exhausted and feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Leon staring at me worried.

(Leon)- "You alright" I shrug his arm off and brush off my stray hairs on my face.

(Y/N)- "I will be, once we're done" I walk off.

(Leon's Pov)

I watch her walk off feeling guilty, I can't help but blame myself. She tried to escape this life and something always tries to bring her back in it. I'm glad she's alive and back in contact with me, but I wish she would open up to me. I see her stop in front of the two blue doors and pull out this clear cube device, 'should I trust her?'

(Y/N)- "I have to go somewhere" She keeps her back turned to me

(Leon)- "Where exactly?" She shakes her head and turns to Helena and I.

(Y/N)- "Questioning me again aren't we" she smirks. "See you around", I reach out to her only to back up and grapple away.

(Helena)- "She seems lovely" I look over at Helena annoyed, I tilt my head towards the door.

(Leon)- "Let's finish this" I open the doors and walk away.

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