Escaping Doesn't Always Mean Freedom

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We then finally arrive to a burned down town, cars are abandoned and flipped. All of us look around of where to head next, I pull out my phone to see that I received a text from Hunnigan. She asked if I still had my ear piece inside my phone, I replied saying of course. She then proceeded to activate it. I flip my phone and press a tiny button, a tiny robotic stand lifts up with my old earpiece.

(Leon)- "You still carry it?" I turn to him grabbing the earpiece.

(Y/N)- "Why wouldn't I? Anyways, Hunnigan activated it." I then put it in my left ear only to hear static. 

(Hunnigan)- "Can you all hear me?" 

(Helena)- "Loud and clear Hunnigan" I then hear Hunnigan typing away on her computer.

(Hunnigan)- "I found a passageway through the town, but Y/N I have a different route for you. Since you always carry your grappling gun with you." Leon and Helena look over to me, I see Leon's expression turn into a cold one. Before Leon could get a word I respond.

(Y/N)- "Lay it on me" Leon faces me with his whole body upset with arms crossed. I look over and give a 'what' expression.

(Hunnigan)- "I've sent you the coordinates, good luck"

(Leon)- "Will do" I pull out my grappling gun and aim it towards an open window, before I could shoot I heard Leon say something to me.

(Leon)- "Be careful please, we'll meet up again" I nod and head off.

(Helena)- "Leon, what's your relationship with Agent Y/N" I hear before getting a good distance away from them.

(Hours later! They just got on the bus)

(Leon)- "Where's Y/N?" Helena looks outside and sees nothing. Making Leon look out a bus window only to see feet in his face, he then backs up instantly to see Y/N swinging inside the bus.

(Y/N)- "Talk about George of the Jungle, look at me." Leon then smirks, his smirk falls when all of them feeling the bus moving only to be stopped by a huge zombie.

(Helena)- "You've got to be kidding" I see Leon and Helena start shooting at it, I decided to walk up to the bus driver and tell him to drive full speed into it.

(Y/N)- "Move!" Once saying that Leon and Helena move out of the way, I shoot my grappling gun at it. It was sharp enough to pierce through it's thick body, once doing so it fell over. I click my grappling hook to return to me.

(Helena)- "Smart idea" She says shocked.

(Y/N)- "I try, w-wait Hunnigan you there?" I hold onto my earpiece.

(Hunnigan)- "Someone claimed the attack, they're called Neo-Umbrella" I look down at my feet. Both Leon and I say the same thing 'Raccoon City'.

(Hunnigan)- "In that cathedral I need to know what's that about. I have people in suits breathing down my neck for more info."

(Leon)- "Suits?"

(Hunnigan)- "Yes suits, especially Derek C. Simmons" My eyes widen.

(Y/N)- "Hunnigan don't tell Derek that I'm a free lance agent, you know what don't tell him I'm still alive."

(Hunnigan)- "How come Y/N?" She asks with curiosity.

(Y/N)- "Let's just say, he caught feelings and I released them." After saying those final words the bus driver crashes into a zombie making the whole bus shake violently. I grip onto Leon's hand so I won't fall back, although that did nothing. Everyone fell back into the bus, I hit my head on the metal so hard I blacked out.


I wake up to see Y/N unconscious, I pull her close to my body while zombies pile in. I heard Helena groan so I yelled "Keep them away from us!" Helena caught on and started shooting. I see Y/N blink her eyes open and lift up her head to reveal blood dripping down. "Hold on!" The bus started going more and more down the cliff. After seconds of shooting I see a truck about to smash into us, "Grab a hold of something!"

We felt a major impact flying through the air, I grabbed the closest person to me. I yanked on Y/N waist and made us go into an embrace, then everything went dark. I felt something shift next to me, making me open my eyes to see it was Y/N trying to sit up. I let her go and sit up as well, I see her wipe her head with her sleeve and stand. We all suddenly look back on the bus to see the bus driver still alive...until the bus exploded. 

(Leon)- "They escape the infection only to die like this"

(Helena)- "There's no time to grieve"

(Y/N)- "O-or stay here" Helena turns to Y/N and I.

(Helena)- "We have to get to the cathedral" Y/N loses her balance making her grab onto my forearm. She straightens herself.

(Y/N)- "I have to go, Simmons might catch on to me."

(Leon)- "You can't, it's too-"

(Y/N)- "Dangerous, I know. I have to get a clean slate, I'll see you two around. Take care." She then shoots her grappling gun to the highest part of the cathedral, making me scream her name as she leaves.

(Helena)- "I'd doubt that she's just a friend to you" Helena walks off.

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