Chapter 31

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Hi all,

For the next three weeks I will be updating only one chapter a week, or perhaps skipping a week of updating. It is the end of the school year here in Australia and so I have many assignments and exams. 2+ chapters a week will resume at the end of November.

Thank you in advance for understanding.

Also, I found a song about domestic violence that you guys should listen to. I'll add it into The Precious One as well. It's in the media content above :)

Side note: this chapter is one of my favourites so far, I hope you guys enjoy!

- Rose


We arrived at my family's home less than an hour later. It didn't feel as though I had last been home a few months earlier - It felt a lot longer than that.

Immediately I'm greeted by my dad's wife Justine who wore a pencil skirt and white blouse.

"Ned, how are you?" She wrapped her arms around warmly.

"Fine" I smiled as pulling away slowly "is a dad around?"

I never thought I would come home and actually want to see my dad, I guess things change.

"He's out back" she announced.

I nodded as walking across the house
The house had a story - on the outside, it seemed as though life was perfect, on the inside it told another story entirely.

The story of a cop and the wife that abandoned their three children. Leaving the eldest with insecurities, the second to be physically abused, and the youngest with mental illness.

I arrived at the yard to find my father cleaning the barbeque.

"Dad" I called, leaning my body against the brick wall.

My father turned around to face me "Luke told me you were coming back" he nodded slowly.

"I need your help" I forced myself to tell him.

"" He folded his arms, with wide eyes and raised brows "....from me?"

"I want you to tell me everything you know about Isabel Wilson" I ordered.

That's when he froze, before shaking his head "your mother? You're asking me about your mother?"

I slid my hands into the pockets of my jeans and nodded slightly, forcing eye contact.


"What do you want to know?" My dad asked as dropping to the kitchen chair.

I glanced at the chair making my eyes widen.

"What's the matter with you? Hey, I'm talking to you, Ned!" My brother screamed, "I said, what the Fuck is going on in that small, little brain of yours!"

I shook off the memory, before looking at my father firmly, "do you know where she is?" I asked him.

"What's it to you?" He snapped as pouring himself a glass of bourbon.

I would have asked him if it were too early in the morning to be day drinking if I were someone else. Unfortunately, I knew that this wasn't new for my father.

My father was a man with a black aura, that seemed to follow him everywhere he went.

"Dad please" I begged, leaning back in my chair.

"Well of course I know" he admitted as guzzling down his drink, slamming the glass against the table when it was empty.

"....will you help me find her?" I asked slowly.

"No I won't" He shook his head as licking his dry red lips, "you think that she's some sorta hero don't chu-"

"No dad-" I cried.

"Ask me anything about her and I'll tell you" he folded his arms.

"Luke already gave me your version, I don't need to hear it again" I rolled my eyes. "....I just want the truth dad"

He nodded to himself before slamming the palm of his hand against the wooden table, shooting up from his seat.

"You want to hear the truth?" He screamed, with a string of saliva dangling from his lip. "She had some cougar hunter under her skirt-"

"Dad-" I followed his actions, jumping out of my seat, covering my arms above the table in anger.

"And she didn't see herself apart of this family no more!" He screamed, wide-eyed.

I shook my head violently. "I don't believe you, okay dad, I don't believe you!"

"What's all the yelling about?" Chris entered the room in his boxer shorts and a white t-shirt, rubbing his eyes with his fist. He reverted his gaze to me, where he just nodded to himself. "Uh, Ned's home should have figured"

"Why can't we tell the truth for once in this god damn house!" I asked, running my finger through my hair.

"Ned!" Chris cried.

"Stay out of this Chris" I pushed the palm of my hand in his direction, keeping my eyes firmed on my father "would it kill you to support me this once?"

"You don't wanna know her Ned" he assured, taking a step towards me. "You're better off without her"

"No" I shook my head "I would have been better off with you"

His eyes widened in rage as he swung his fist in my direction. I moved my head back, dodging his fist, before pushing him up against the wall - just as he always had since I was a kid.

"You can't hurt me dad" I spat as his eyes filled with fear "I'm not a kid anymore, I grow stronger every day as you become a frail old man. Now answer the fucking question you fool!"

Suddenly I felt myself being pulled away from my father. I looked over my shoulder to find Chris furious.

"Ned!" He cried.

"Get off of me!" I ordered as my father began to laugh.

"You're the only fool I see" he continued to chuckle "a boy imitating a man"

I shook my head in defeat. I shoved Chris away from me, before storming out of my house.

"Hey stranger" a voice greeted from the distance.

I hadn't seen or spoken to her since the intervention months earlier.

I looked up to see Jenny. "Get me out of here" I ordered, walking towards the sidewalk.

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