Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning hung over. Serves me right for doing those shots with Sam while we were watching the game.

I pulled out my phone to find it completely dead. I rolled my eyes as walking through the apartment, attempting to find my phone charger.

Immediately I spotted Sam sitting on the couch with his cell phone in his hand, connected to my charger.

"Give me the charger" I yawned.

Sam looked up at me "What per cent are you on?"

I blinked "Just give me the charger"

"No" he shook his head.

"Dude my phone is dead" I firmed my gaze.

"And my phone needs to be fully charged" Sam cocked a brow.

"Give it to me" I ordered.

"No" he argued with a smirk.

I then attempted to pull his phone off the charger. Sam retaliated by pushing me. I lost that battle.

I ended up getting dressed and getting my ass to college. Why did I decide to show up to college that day? Well because I grew genuinely excited about our upcoming English Lit assignment.

It was about the book that the class had just finished reading. Again - I hadn't read the book nor was I aware of its name. I resonated with the characters, which was the only reason why I wanted to write up the assignment.

I never took interest in any of my classes. Again, the only reason why I hadn't dropped out was so my father could waste his money on college. I stayed out of spite.

He paid rent for my apartment so I wouldn't come home, and I moved to Washington to get away from him. Dysfunctional doesn't even begin to describe what we are.

I hated him. Hated him for terrorizing me my entire life, and playing favourites with my siblings. He beat me whenever I got out of line. The more he did it, the angrier I got at the world. Then more trouble I would get in. That's when I finally cracked. That night after the drag race is when I cracked. And nobody, not even Elise could have stopped it.

"Mr Jacobs" I called as approaching the man after class.

"Yes Carter" he raised a brow as collecting his stack of books from his desk.

"I have a question about the book" I admitted.

That's when his head shot up in surprise "You do?"

That was probably the first time in my entire schooling that I took an interest in work. Mr Jacobs knew that better than most.

I nodded "Yeah...I just want to know why...."

"Why what?" My professor blinked in confusion.

"Why does Celina choose Darcy?" I shrugged.

I remember not being able to comprehend Celina's logic. She was perfect and chose Darcy - a failer and criminal?

Mr Jacobs eyes widened "well...uh that's a complicated question's also up for interpretation-"

"But what's your interpretation?" I folded my arms.

I had to know why. It seems stupid now, but at the time I honestly had to know.

"I think that Celina was put on a pedestal by the men in her when someone like Darcy came along she wanted him because he didn't pay her as much attention as the other fellas" he explained with a small smile.

I didn't understand his response to be honest. Was he saying that Celina didn't really love Darcy?

"So you're saying that Celina wanted something that she knew she couldn't have?" I asked.

He shook his head "no I'm saying that Celina desired someone to look at her as though she was human...not wealthy, not perfect, but completely human...and that's what Darcy did for her"

That's when I understood. Celina got something from Darcy that no one else could give her. That's also when I began wondering, what could I give somebody that nobody else could?

At the time, I thought that there was nothing that I could do for somebody that somebody else could do 3x better.

I nodded slowly "thank you"

I slowly exited the classroom, where the two women approached. I don't remember what they looked like, all I remember is that they were hot.

"So uh Ned" one nudged the other "are you coming to the party tonight?"

"Party?" I cocked a brow.

"Yeah the fraternity is throwing a huge party" the other giggled "it's going to be soooooo lit"

Uh yes, the fraternity. I never joined, even though Jimmy begged me to.

"You know what I'll think about it" I half smiled.

"Sure" one of the girls grinned.

Suddenly I spotted Jimmy standing in the distance, reading something off of a board. I wanted to apologize for shoving him. I was genuinely annoyed at myself for reacting how I did.

"Excuse me ladies" I started as walking towards Jimmy. "Hey, Jimbo-"

"What do you want?" He raised a brow "You wanna hit me again?"

"I didn't hit you-" I began to protest.

"I didn't give that dude your slutty mum's name! You're the one with the fucking Mommy issues-" Jimmy snapped.

His words cut through me like sharp blades. As I mentioned earlier, something would happen inside of me whenever my mother was mentioned.

I clenched my jaw "shut up man"

"No really, your fucking mother walks out on you when you were four years old-" he continued.

It was that moment when I swung my fist at his face. He flung back and people in the hallway glared at me in fear. I took a step back slowly. Jimmy looked up at me with wide eyes. I took a shaky deep breath before walking away slowly.

Do I regret hitting him? Well yes and no. Although he definitely deserved it, I had to learn that using my fists was never okay unless there was an immediate danger to myself or someone around me. That was something that my therapist had told me - but more on that later.

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