Old Memories (Iwatobi Swim Club)

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Summary: the swim club has gotten together for an afternoon in the park, and they're reminiscing about old times when Haru remembers something interesting.

Word Count: 2335

"Hey Nagisa, remember back in fifth grade when you got stuck in a tree before practice?"

Nagisa giggled. "Clear as day. We were a half hour late for practice. Coach was so pissed."

Rin smiled as he watched his friends talk. It was summer, and the five of them - Rin, Haru, Nagisa, Rei, and Makoto - had decided to spend an afternoon together. So far, it had been fun. Rin had kicked total ass at their water gun Hunger Games, winning by a longshot, and Nagisa had beaten Makoto in a race across the park. Now, the sun shone gently through the foliage of the tree they were sitting under as they exchanged stories and memories.

Rin sighed happily and laid back on the grass. It was a good day.

"Hey Haru, do you have anything to share?"

Rin looked over to see Nagisa's innocently curious features focused on Haru, the quiet and persuasive boy whom Rin had known since grade school.

Haru glanced at the sky. "I guess. If you really want to listen."

"We do! We do!" Nagisa sounded more excited than usual, and Rin could understand why: Haru had never been too outspoken, and this offer was a surprise to everyone.

"Well, back in grade school, me and Rin would come out here a lot." Haru paused, watching absently as a ladybug crawled up his finger. "We would do loads of stuff. Mostly just talking, but sometimes we'd mess around a little. And I learned something about him one day."

Rin felt interest tug at his heart.

"We were here on our own, since it was sunset and getting dark," Haru said quietly. "And I was sitting against a tree next to Rin."

Nagisa's eyes were sparkling, and he was grinning.

"But then Rin started laughing."

Makoto blinked in surprise.

"So I looked over and there he was, curled up on the grass and laughing like an idiot. But when I looked closer I saw a caterpillar crawling on his neck."

Rin suddenly felt a jolt of realization.

It had to be this one, didn't it, Haru?

"And I discovered that-"

"Rin's ticklish!" Nagisa cried out, jumping to his feet.

"Don't jump to conclusions, Nagisa," Rei chided him gently, "and don't interrupt."

"He's right, though," Haru said softly, making everyone look up. "He is. Or at least, he was."

Haru cast a glance at Rin, and Rin was surprised to see a smile on Haru's face.

"But I really don't think he's changed."

"Let's not be hasty, Haru," Rin said, trying to sound casual. "Just because there was a convenient caterpillar there at that time doesn't mean I'm ticklish."

"Then why did you flinch every single time I poked you?" Haru sounded amused.

Rin crossed his arms and turned away. "Shut up, Haru."

There was silence for a few seconds, then Rin felt two fingers poke into his sides. He yelped and flinched away, then whipped around to see Haru stifling laughter and Nagisa's eyes wide.

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