Kitten (Hamilton)

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Ship: none (a tiny bit of polyamorous Hamilsquad or something but eh)

Summary: Lafayette got a new kitten. Alexander wants to hold it, but it's not exactly working. He's squirming too much, especially when the kitten makes it's way closer to Alex's face. The others are amused.

Word Count: 987

"A kitten?!" Alexander's excited squeal made everyone chuckle as Lafayette lifted a small, fluffy, ginger kitten from off of the floor.

"His name is Oliver," Lafayette said, smiling down at the now-squirming kitten. "He's lovely."

"I've never seen a real one before!" Alex was ecstatic, rising up and down on the balls of his feet. 

Lafayette held the small animal out to Hamilton, who stared down at it for a few seconds, then looked up at Lafayette.

"Hold it," Lafayette insisted. "He is a kitten, he won't hurt you."

Hamilton hesitantly took Oliver into his hands, and instantly melted. The ginger fur was so soft and fluffy, and the kitten was light and fragile.

"You're a natural," Hercules said approvingly.

Alex ran his fingers over Oliver's fur, and suddenly a quiet rumbling noise emitted from the small thing. Alex's eyes flashed with panic.

"What did I do? Did I hurt it?" He said nervously.

Lafayette snorted. "It's purring, Alexander. It's enjoying what you're doing."

Alex's eyes widened, and he looked back down at Oliver, who had wiggled around in his hands and was laying on his back, his white belly and small paws facing Alex.

He smiled widely and sat down on the couch, scratching the kitten's stomach with a finger and giggling adorably when it swatted feebly at him and mewled.

"Alex looks happy," John joked.

Hercules snorted and brought a hand up to his mouth to muffle his chuckling. "You think?"

Alex flopped on his back, setting the kitten gently on his stomach. Oliver walked twice in a circle, then suddenly became very interested in the hem of Alex's thin shirt. The kitten started pawing at the hem, soon resolving that it was safe to attack and started chewing on it, the small ginger tail flicking over Alex's shirt.

John looked up suddenly at the sound of a small squeak from Alex, and saw Alex slam both hands over his mouth. His shoulders shook, and the kitten looked up from it's chewing of Alex's shirt, intrigued.

Hercules grinned and whispered to John, "looks like someone's ticklish."

John indeed agreed: Alexander was squirming as much as he could without endangering Oliver, who's tail was still sweeping across Alex's shirt.

"Ticklish much, Alex?" Teased Lafayette, making Alex's face go red.

"G-Get ihit to stohoho- eek!" The kitten had decided to take a journey and wandered up to Alex's face, curling into the crook of his neck and purring gently.

The scene was hilarious: Alexander Hamilton, the bravest man John knew, was being broken to pieces by a kitten.

"Johohohohn! Stohohop lahahahaughihihing and hehehelp mehehehe!" Alex begged, trying to gently pry Oliver away from his neck.

"Guys, we'd better help the poor man," Hercules said with a sigh.

John rolled his eyes and walked over, Lafayette following with Hercules.

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