Say It! (MHA Drabble)

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A/N//: SkEeT sKeEt another freaking fic-

"Say it!" 

Bakugou shrieked as Kirishima fluttered his fingers up and down his thighs, squirming and bucking and trying to throw off the redhead. His efforts proved futile, though, because Kirishima just tickled him harder, making him throw back his head and wail.

"Say it one time and I'll stop," teased Kirishima, grinning down at his flustered, giggling mess of a friend. "You said it before, say it again and I'll stop."

Bakugou could barely speak, he was giggling so hard. He couldn't say it, it was an impossible task in his current state. His face was red and his eyes were blurry from mirthful tears as he squirmed and giggled under his ler.

Kirishima dug in behind Bakugou's knees, forcing another shriek out of the blonde. "Say it," he singsonged, a wicked grin crossing his face.

"EHEHEIHIJIHIHIHI!" Bakugou cried, twisting around in his restraints. "CAHAHAHAHAN'T!"

"Yes you can," Kirishima shot back. "You did before."

Bakugou swore he was going to go crazy at the hands of his classmate. His hair was a mess (well, more of one than usual) and his face was beet red.

"ALRIGHTALRIGHTALRIGHT!" He wailed, letting out a humiliating snort when Kirishima dove his head down and blew a fat raspberry on his stomach, right above his belly button.


Kirishima let up as soon as the words left Bakugou's mouth. The redhead sat up, grinning triumphantly, as the victim under him went limp, panting and wheezing. Spare giggles slid from his lips every now and again.

"Did it, Baku," Kirishima said, grinning. "Now, let me tell you something."

Kirishima leaned down, his eyes alight with mischief, and whispered, "I'm a fucking liar."

"Wait, what the- PFTAHAHAHAHA!"

Bakugou definitely said those same words many, many times during the next hour.

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